Best 497 quotes in «teenager quotes» category

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    I seem to be good at asking for trouble.

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    I squint my eyes and glare at him. “I don’t have a crush on Quinn anymore.” He raises a golden eyebrow. “No?” I shake my head. “No.” “Why is that?” I stare at him long and hard, trying to decide what to say. Should I be downright, painfully honest? I’ve always found that the best way to be, so I nod. “Two words.” He waits. “Dante. Giliberti.” I hear him suck in his breath and I smile. Sometimes, honesty is refreshing and so very worth it. “Me?” He sounds so surprised, as though he doesn’t know that he is practically a living breathing Adonis. I nod. “You.” He studies me again and I fight the need to fidget as I wait for his reaction. After a minute of nerve-wracking silence, he finally answers. “So, will you keep the bracelet?” I nod. “Can I kiss you again?” I nod. So he does.

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    I sometimes forget that you're just a teenager. But I remember that - how everything feels bigger or, I don't know, somehow just more when you're your age.

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    It's easy not to be disappointed when you're always wading in the shallow end of feelings.

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    I think the hardest part of being a teenage, or any age really, is the misconception that you're alone. You're not alone. You're not the only one going through what you're going through, and life does get better if you want it to.

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    It’s time to stop dreaming about who you want your son to be and help him become the healthy, happy, and successful man he’s supposed to be.

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    I’ve never gotten a love letter before. But reading these notes like this, one after the other, it feels like I have. It’s like . . . it’s like there’s only ever been Peter. Like everyone else that came before him, they were all to prepare me for this. I think I see the difference now, between loving someone from afar and loving someone up close. When you see them up close, you see the real them, but they also get to see the real you. And Peter does. He sees me, and I see him.

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    Mandy loved the smell of a sunny day after a night of rain. The sun hit the orange puddles, the overgrown, soft, green grass on her lawn, and it beamed down through the orange steel mill smog, sending otherworldly, bizarre shadows across the concrete sidewalk.

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    Lindsay was a the height of that weird mixture of thinking you know everything and caring too much about how others perceive you.

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    Nadya Zelenin and her mother had returned from a performance of Eugene Onegin at the theatre. Going into her room, the girl swiftly threw off her dress and let her hair down. Then she quickly sat at the table in her petticoat and white bodice to write a letter like Tatyana's. 'I love you,' she wrote, 'but you don't love me, you don't love me!' Having written this, she laughed. She was only sixteen and had never loved anyone yet. She knew that Gorny (an army officer) and Gruzdyov (a student) were both in love with her, but now, after the opera, she wanted to doubt their love. To be unloved and miserable: what an attractive idea! There was something beautiful, touching and romantic about A loving B when B wasn't interested in A. Onegin was attractive in not loving at all, while Tatyana was enchanting because she loved greatly. Had they loved equally and been happy they might have seemed boring. ("After The Theatre")

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    One can perceive me only with his limited vision. A droplet can't perceive the extent of the ocean. ~ Aarush Kashyap

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    Mostly because I’ve realized what a lame teenager I was. I was always home at the stroke of midnight; I didn’t like drinking mash; I didn’t have sex. I read books and had an inferiority complex because I was afraid to do all that other stuff. I don’t know anything about being a badass punk rocker.

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    Nothing in the world has a greater power to enslave than fiction. ~ Aarush Kashyap

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    Satu dari seribu, memang harus kamu

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    Sazed, I've raised some fifteen daughters," Tindwyl said, entering the room. "No teenage girl is stable. Some are just better at hiding it than others.

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    She glanced down at the pregnancy test. Her worst fear has become her new reality.

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    She may have been only sixteen years old, but there was a new life growing inside of her. She fought back tears that she could feel forming in her eyes. She hated to admit it but she was scared since she wasn’t even old enough to take care of a baby. She wasn’t even old enough to take care of herself. She was just a kid who still lived at home with her mother, and this kid was not ready to become a mother.

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    She saw clearly a boy and a man fighting for control of the same face.

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    Shirts and jeans litter the asphalt, the empty fabric limbs askew as if they're attempting to escape. Blood smears Sarah's lips as she struggles against the chest of a dirty looking man with a beard. Terror. Terror is the only word my mind can seize on and it forgets what it means. I forget how to think - to move.

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    So it was a crossroads summer, when the universe seemed to stand perilously still like an egg wobbling on a precipice, a regular rite of passage summer that saw us traverse the hazardous divide between the illusions of boyhood and the far more pernicious deceptions of maturity, et cetera.

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    Stay true to yourself and listen to your inner voice. It will lead you to your dream.

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    Teaching a boy to be a man is the primary job of a father.

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    She lied to me today," Archie said. "A teenager?" Susan said with faux surprise. "Lying to an authority figure? Impossible.

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    Stacey muttered, "But I hate this school, and this city, and the sooner I leave, the better. I want to start over in a new place. I haven't . . ." her voice trailed off and she looked away from Jason, hoping instead to find her words among the falling raindrops. "Do you ever feel like you aren't the person you're supposed to be? That you could be a different person - and have a better life - if things had been just a little different?

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    The average adult hates being treated like a child, unless it suits them.

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    There are things you do when you are a teenager, or a dancer, or just a girl, I guess. You cut your food up in special ways, or you cut yourself, or paper dolls. You pretend that there is an invisible audience watching you all the time, and you do things to impress them or pretend that they didn't see what you just did because their live video feed was interrupted somehow. You steal things or tell lies or speak to strangers in a Russian accent. You have sex with someone you love, or with someone who gets you really drunk. You lie to your parents, your boyfriend, yourself, your therapist. You cheat on your homework or do other people's homework for money. You get up, you take class, you rehearse, you perform, you go to bed. How do you decided which of these things are truly crazy and which are just being alive?

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    To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor.

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    Tombstones covered the dale, the smooth marble surfaces bright. She had spent days here as a teenager, though not out of any awareness of mortality. Like every adolescent, she intended to live forever.

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    Une très jolie jeune fille, traitée avec des égards constants et des attentions démesurées par l'ensemble de la population masculine, y compris par ceux - l'immense majorité - qui n'ont plus aucun espoir d'en obtenir une faveur d'ordre sexuel, et même à vrai dire tout particulièrement par eux, avec une émulation abjecte confinant chez certains quinquagénaires au gâtisme pur et simple, une très jolie jeune fille devant qui tous les visages s'ouvrent, toutes les difficultés s'aplanissent, accueillie partout comme si elle était la reine du monde, devient naturellement une espèce de monstre d'égoïsme et de vanité autosatisfaite. La beauté physique joue ici exactement Ie même rôle que la noblesse de sang sous l'Ancien Régime, et la brève conscience qu'elles pourraient prendre à l'adolescence de l'origine purement accidentelle de leur rang cède rapidement la place chez la plupart des très jolies jeunes filles à une sensation de supériorité innée, naturelle, instinctive, qui les place entièrement en dehors, et largement au-dessus du reste de l'humanité. Chacun autour d'elle n'ayant pour objectif que de lui éviter toute peine, et de prévenir Ie moindre de ses désirs, c'est tout uniment (sic) qu'une très jolie jeune fille en vient à considérer Ie reste du monde comme composé d'autant de serviteurs, elle-même n'ayant pour seule tâche que d'entretenir sa propre valeur érotique - dans l'attente de rencontrer un garçon digne d'en recevoir l'hommage. La seule chose qui puisse la sauver sur le plan moral, c'est d'avoir la responsabilité concrète d'un être plus faible, d'être directement et personnellement responsable de la satisfaction de ses besoins physiques, de sa santé, de sa survie - cet être pouvant être un frère ou une soeur plus jeune, un animal domestique, peu importe. (La possibilité d'une île, Daniel 1,15)

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    We sate on the terrace. Again gazing at the moon. I don't understand women's obsession with the moon, lunatics in the most literal sense. ~ Aarush Kashyap

    • teenager quotes
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    What happens to you when you get older? Do you just forget everything from before you turned eighteen? Do you make yourself forget?

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    What’s that around your neck?” asked Emily. “It’s a golden star.” Said Reed. “What did you get it for?” “Chemistry class.” “What’s the star for?” the shadow asked, Usually stars represent a straight A student. “You get it for having greatness. But Emily doesn’t know what that is.” He said, answering the shadows question and looking at Emily. “Greatness, what’s greatness?” Emily asked, all wide eyed, and clueless looking “It’s when you do really awesome stuff, and people recognize you for it.” “Oh, no” Emily laughed .”No, I don’t know what that is.

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    A baroque art-rock bubblegum broadcast on a frequency understood only by female teenagers and bred field mice.

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    About 4000 men, women and teenagers regularly venture out to play a game in -20 weather and stinging prairie winds. Bundled in sweaters and snow suits, balaclavas on their heads and suction cupped shoes on their feet. They slip and slide across the outdoor hockey rinks chasing a soft rubber puck in the Sponge Hockey Capital of the World.

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    There are people who believe in the basic goodness of human nature. I believe in the basic evil of human nature. ~ Aarush Kashyap

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    There's a girl calm people don't know about. It's a girl teen standstill. A motionless peace. It doesn't come from anywhere but inside us, and it only lasts for a few years. It's born from being a not woman yet. It's free flowing and invisible. It's the eye of the violent storm you call my teenage daughter. In this place we are undisturbed by all the moronic things you think about us. Our voices like rain falling. We are serene. Smooth. With more perfect hair and skin than you will ever again know. Daughters of Eve.

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    There’s a wound most troubled boys share, which, at its core, comes from the feeling that they don’t have their father’s unconditional love.

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    The term "teenager" had not long been invented, and it never occured to him that the separateness he felt, which was both painful and delicious, could be shared by anyone else.

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    This is meant to be special, this is. I’m a teenager, I’ve just left my old school and I’m starting my new one in September, and I’m in some God forsaken hole in a rotten caravan with no friends and it’s my birthday.

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    Wenner began a campaign to get his parents back together. Sim told her son she wanted him to call only every other week to reduce her phone bills. “Your demand that Dad and I be something to each other that we’re not, is basically a child’s demand,” she wrote to him in 1959, when Wenner was thirteen. “One stamps one’s foot and says, ‘Change the world and I will be all right!’ and it’s a nice comforting thought to have, but the world can’t be changed, families can’t be changed, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers…There is only one thing that can be changed, or rather, only one thing that you can change, and that is yourself.” (“Maternally yours,” she signed the letter.)

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    When a boy feels as if no one cares about him, or as if he will never amount to anything, he truly believes it doesn’t matter what he does.

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    When I was 14-15 There was nothing to my life but dancing and sex I'd go to night clubs and dance Then I'd meet someone and have sex it was Fine and easy nothing to do BUT Think with my body like a bird I Thought I was Free TrAcey Emin

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    When you're a teenager,everybody is waiting for you to be something or somebody else-your friends,your parents,your teachers.Sometimes you lose track.

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    When you're sixteen or seventeen meaning can be anywhere. A drop of rain running down the window is a symbol, a song comes on the radio just when you longed for it, you have the same initials as the boy for whom you're sick, secret messages await you in poems. It's like living in a net of logic, of systems of words and significance.

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    Will that be all?” I asked the pimply faced teen who ogled my exposed legs as if in heat. My pen tapped impatiently on the notepad while I waited for him to look up. Slowly his dull grey eyes roved over my body and a limp smile drew up his thin, crusted lips making him look more weasel than human. “Yep. That’d be it,” his cheerful, adolescent voice cracked. “Great,” I mumbled, walking back behind the counter.

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    You can’t make them shut up, but you can damn teach them a lesson." - Johan

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    You’re a teenager. It’s all complicated.

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    [About being a teenager] Like, at first it's fine and you think you have a dark side - it's exciting - and then you realise the dark side wins every time.

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    A child who had been introduced to misery in Saudi Arabia, a teenager who went to wage jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan, a deeply devout Muslim who had graduated with honors in medicine, a man who had fed a stranger to wild dogs in Damascus, a zealot who had dosed three foreigners with smallpox and watched them die in agony, gave thanks to Allah for the blessings that had been bestowed upon him.

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    Adolescents have the right to be themselves. The fact that you were the belle of the ball, the captain of the lacrosse team, the president of your senior class, Phi Beta Kappa, or a political activist doesn't mean that your teenager will be or should be the same....Likewise, the fact that you were a wallflower, uncoordinated, and a C student shouldn't mean that you push your child to be everything you were not.