Best 331 quotes in «medical quotes» category

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    When burned on a CD, the human genome is smaller than Microsoft Office.

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    Whenever you have war, you often have more deaths because the medical system and the food system breaks down, than you have directly through violence.

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    When I took command in Vietnam, I gave great emphasis to food and medical care - and to the mail

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    When I went to the University, the medical school was the only place where one could hope to find the means to study life, its nature, its origins, and its ills.

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    When you're having a conversation with someone who, despite his brilliant medical career, says he's going to produce the film, you think, "How's he gonna do this? Is he insane, or is he really going to pull this off? It might be both." It's really amazing to see someone do what he's done.

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    Who goes from America to Africa for medical attention?

    • medical quotes
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    Why don't we just get our population healthier so we don't need medical care?

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    Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.

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    When I watch medical shows or other shows where characters die, it kind of bums me out.

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    When you talk about obesity, there's so many things that can cause that. It can be a medical thing, or down to the individual. There's a lot of other things involved than eating a Mars bar.

    • medical quotes
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    You know, I look to myself mainly as a creative writer all my life and a medical doctor.

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    You know that a majority of the medical costs that are bankrupting families, companies, and nations could be eliminated with better nutrition.

    • medical quotes
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    After a decade of using the medical profession, I had concluded that it was much better to research your own sickness using the internet and books, and to self treat with over the counter drugs, supplements and commercially available biomedical devices.

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    After a decade of working in high altitude astronomy the medical profession discovered that I had a hole in my heart, erratic low blood oxygen levels and brain issues. Heart, lung and brain problems appear to be long term known adverse health aspects of high altitude work and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures.

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    After years of voyaging through the USA medical system and taking prescription drugs, I was sicker than when I started the process.

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    A good doctor cures the disease, but a great doctor cures the cause.

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    A Medical Affair is more than compelling fiction. It also is a powerful narrative about how relationships between physicians and patients can evolve in unethical, even unlawful ways. And as a medical ethicist and educator, I was delighted to see Strauss deftly weave important information about sexual misconduct by physicians into her story line.” David Orentlicher Professor of law, medicine and ethics at Indiana University. Oversaw drafting of American Medical Association's ethical guidelines on intimate relationships between physicians and their patients

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    An incompetent doctor practices, but a competent doctor performs.

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    Acknowledging the important role of the emotions in health and illness, medicine must reexamine its concepts of disease causation.

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    After many years of using the medical profession, I concluded that it is infested with blatant incompetence.

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    A furious researcher stumbled out of one of the lab buildings and shouted, 'I'm a scientist working on the AIDS cure. Why are you here? You are making too much noise.' It was a statement that epitomized the vast and growing rift between scientists and patients.

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    All the whackjob psychologists out there will tell you that grief is a process. Some say it has five stages. Others say that grief should only last two years at the lost, otherwise it's "abnormal". Putting an expiration date of grief though is like putting out the flame on a burning candle. It might stop the candle from melting down and falling apart, but in the long run the candle goes solid, freezes in a catatonic state. Take away a person's grief and guaranteed they'll only be a frozen shell of a human being afterwards. Grief is only love, it's nothing to hide or send away with happy pills and mother's little helpers. Grief is a lifeline connecting two people who are in different realms together, and it's a sign of loyalty and hope.

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    As more medical professionals get smart meter sickness, the utility and government smart meter cover-up just gets so much harder for the vested corporate interests!

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    A smart patient realizes that the person most capable of diagnosing and treating their health issues is themselves.

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    Based on the medical evidence that clearly states that being above 10,000 feet is hazardous to the health of sea level adapted humans, it is clear that all of the manned facilities on top of the 13,796 feet Mauna Kea summit in Hawaii should be removed and the summit restored back to its native environment.

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    At the age of 49, I had given up on the medical profession correctly diagnosing me and I was only attending doctors appointments for legal documentation of health conditions that I was accurately diagnosing through internet research and experimentation.

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    Before you worry about the beauty of your body, worry about the health of your body.

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    Being a doctor, you are not supposed to give vent to any signs of revulsion on encountering the most noxious of odours or the most gruesome of sights.

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    At the age of 47, the medical profession had me on four RX-Only prescription drugs for lung and heart problems, an RX-Only prescription continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) life support machine during sleep, two brain RX-Only prescriptions, a brain supplement, and high cholesterol medication. I am still in the process of being fully diagnosed by the medical profession and this drugs list may increase.

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    Based on what I saw over a decade of medical treatment, you may be in serious trouble if you do not have knowledge of human health and biomedical systems.

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    Discovery comes from a lot of failures, knowledge, wisdom, faith, and a dose of craziness.

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    Call it a hunch,” Charlie murmured. “But I think you and I are going to have a really good time losing sleep together.

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    Distraction leaches the authenticity out of our communications. When we are not emotionally present, we are gliding over the surface of our interactions and we never tangle in the depths where the nuances of our skills are tested and refined. A medical professor describes the easy familiarity with which her digital-native resident students master medical electronic records—but is troubled by the fact that they enter data with their eyes focused on their digital devices, not on the patient in the room with them. Preoccupation with technology acts as a screen between the student and the patient’s real emotion, real fear, and real concern. It may also prevent these residents from noticing physical symptoms that the patient fails to mention. The easy busyness of medical record entry is a way to sidestep the more challenging dynamics of human connection. But experienced physicians know that interpersonal skills are essential to mastering the art and science of medical diagnosis.

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    During the course of a decade I became fearful of the USA medical profession, as everything they did made me sicker.

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    For everything that's known about Lyme disease, there are still an extraordinary number of unknowns in some fairly fundamental areas.

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    For those that have recognized that suicide is a better option than a lifetime of sickness, disability, extreme poverty, and never ending treatments from an incompetent corporate controlled medical profession, you are to be congratulated on your good judgment.

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    Frequent visits to doctors is a potentially hazardous activity to engage in.

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    Happiness is corny. It is a word you do not find in Dorland's medical dictionary. When people are feeling tops, really at peace with themselves and others, they are not happy. In the medical sense, in that condition they are thought of not as happy, they are "euphoric," which, loosely translated, means slap-happy.

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    Here is the problem: Poor Americans consume too little healthcare, especially preventive healthcare. Other Americans—often rich Americans—consume too much healthcare, often unwisely, and sometimes to their detriment. The American healthcare system combines famine with gluttony.

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    Hunger gives flavour to the food.

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    I am pioneering the medical diagnosis of Magee’s Disease.

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    I can't see the logic in medicating a grieving person like there was something wrong with her, and yet it happens all the time... you go to the doctor with symptoms of profound grief and they push an antidepressant at you. We need to walk through our grief, not medicate it and shove it under the carpet like it wasn't there.

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    If I were a real girl, that ‘it’s not you’ thing would be the kiss of death.” Grabbing the second suitcase, Jonah conceded, “Fair enough. For the record, you’re totally a real girl. Woman,” he corrected.

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    I found it concerning that the USA medical profession could not recognize the side effects of the medications that they had placed me on.

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    Could it be that despite all the years I spent in medical school and residency training acquiring specialized knowledge and practical skills, that this expertise mattered little to my patients' overall health?

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    Do not trust the medical profession.

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    Electricity should not be banned, it just needs much better government regulation and understanding by the medical profession of the full range of toxicity that it presents to the human.

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    Ever met a sympathetic doctor? No ways. They’re always impatient, glancing at the watch, calculating the price of your sickness against the price of another pair of shoes for the bitch wife with the reluctant cunt.

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    Give your knee replacement a name so you can swear at it. Trust me, you'll swear at it like a sailor many, many times. And when friends ask about it by its name, you can whine to your heart's content. It's not you who's whining; it's your named knee replacement.

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    Hire our experienced team for high-quality medical writing services online. We highly value the satisfaction of our customers and are interested in doing our best.