Best 4246 quotes in «family quotes» category

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    To achieve the impossible, you must attempt the absurd

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    To all my readers. I don't need my daughter's okay to do anything. I was a writer before she was my daughter. The CRANK books were inspired by my desire to keep others from following in her path, but they are FICTION. And seriously, WTF do I need her permission for? Are you effing kidding me? I'm her MOTHER.

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    To all those who care, You can't forever. Time steals the years, And your reflection in the mirror. But I can still see the story in your eyes, And your timeless passion that’s never died. While your skin became tired, Your heart became strong, The present became the past, And your memories like a song. And though the moment at hand is all that we have, You’ve taught me to live it like it is our last. Since two words don't say ‘thank you’ the way they are meant to, I'll try all my life to be something like you.

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    To bear a child or to get married is not the primary goal for a lady who wants to become successful in life

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    To belong did not mean ownership. You were not someone’s property. The “be” syllable was about existence: “to be” yourself and “to be” in a special place that no one else could occupy within your family except you. The “long” part was about the heart, a place in the heart where a family met and lived together. They didn’t just put up with each other. They longed for each other. To belong was not a state of mind but a state of heart.

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    To be yourself is in many ways to be inconvenient to others. Only placaters and appeasers get along with other people all the time and that's not really getting along with anyone. That's just self erasure.

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    Tobias loved her more than he’d loved anything—his family, his duty, even himself. There, perhaps, the Herondale blood ran true.

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    To all who have known really happy family lives, that is, to all who have known or who have witnessed the greatest happiness which there can be on this earth, it is hardly necessary to say that the highest idea of the family is attainable only where the father and mother stand to each other as lovers and friends. In these homes the children are bound to father and mother by ties of love, respect, and obedience, which are simply strengthened by the fact that they are treated as reasonable beings with rights of their own, and that the rule of the household is changed to suit the changing years, as childhood passes into manhood and womanhood.

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    To be better for other, you need to know how to choose to get the best from yourself.

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    To be quite frank, I don't know nor understand how one can stand up and say I'm a 'perfect father'! I reckon myself to be a great dad in my children's eyes and maybe the kids I interact with just by passing by and cracking a few jokes that eventually put a smile on their faces. I call myself a 'great dad' cause my CREATOR chose me to bring an innocent and beautiful life to this world because the Heavens above believed that: 1. I'd never compromise my child's happiness over anything or anyone! 2. I'd do whatever possible, within reason of course to ensure that my son sees LOVE, HOPE, FAITH, HAPPINESS, LAUGHTER, OPULENCE, THE HEAVENS and definitely a FATHER whenever he looks at me or through my eyes! 3. I'm a GREAT-DAD until my children say otherwise.

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    To be successful in life , Plan, Implement, Revise, Update, and Build on Change.

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    To enjoy a peaceful & Beautiful Life We should open our 'EYE' and Close our 'I

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    Todos debemos procurar estar satisfechos allí donde nos encontremos, y más aún en nuestro propio hogar, que es donde más tiempo estamos obligados a permanecer.

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    To celebrate his prosperity, fellow employees and friends urged him to take a young concubine to "serve him". Even Ye Ye's boss, the London-educated K. C. Li, jokingly volunteered to "give" him a couple of girls with his bonus. Ye Ye reported all this in a matter-of-fact way in a letter to his wife, adding touchingly that he was a "one-woman man".

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    Together in our house, in the firelight, we are the world made small.

    • family quotes
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    To feel that except from parents, big brothers and sisters, grandmas and grandpas… you are also human beings, just like me …

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    To have a home, a family, a property or a public function, to have a definite means of livelihood and to be a useful cog in the social machine, all these things seem necessary, even indispensable, to the vast majority of men, including intellectuals, and including even those who think of themselves as wholly liberated. And yet such things are only a different form of slavery that comes of contact with others, especially regulated and continued contact.

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    Together or apart, no matter how far apart, we live in one another. We go on together.

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    Together we're strong and beautiful. If only for fleeting moments of love, everything else is worth putting up with.

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    To have the opportunity to know your parents is to have the opportunity to truly know yourself.

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    To have deep roots in a place means having dead buried there. It is almost that literal, the dead forming your bond to the earth and to the others whose dead lie buried there. I always had that bond whether I knew it or not.

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    To lose someone you love is the very worst thing in the world. It creates an invisible hole that you feel you are falling down and will never end. People you love make the world real and solid and when they suddenly go away forever, nothing feels solid any more.

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    To love me, my family does not need to understand me.

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    To not feel at home in her family home is the beginning of the bigger story of society and its female discontents.

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    Today is WOUND FREE WEDNESDAY! You start to feel it during the Holiday season; a tug in your heart, the friction within your soul, all the past complicated feelings that rise up. Choose to stay in the moment with the life you are living NOW instead of allowing the past to dictate you choices, feelings, and responses. Be love, be compassion, rise above the past and stay in the moment. BE the GRATITUDE that is within you.

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    To increase the odds of being thanked, some people compliment some people; some make kids.

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    To know what should be going on in a household: spend a few minutes with the wife, or, the husband. To know what’s really going on: spend a few minutes with their kid(s).

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    Tom,"said Eric," just yesterday, you were a complete stranger to us! Now, you are part of our lives!

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    To strip the wallpaper off the fairy tale of The Family House in which the comfort and happiness of men and children have been the priority is to find behind it an unthanked, unloved, neglected, exhausted woman. It requires skill, time, dedication and empathy to create a home that everyone enjoys and that functions well. Above all else, it is an act of immense generosity to be the architect of everyone else's well-being. This task is still mostly perceived as women's work. Consequently, there are all kinds of words used to belittle this huge endeavour.

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    Too often, our concept of pastors and church leaders reinforces rather than obliterates the sad state of family life in our current context.

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    To plant a family! This idea is at the bottom of most of the wrong and mischief which men do. The truth is, that, once in every half century, at longest, a family should be merged into the great, obscure mass of humanity, and forget all about its ancestors.

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    Too often, we forget to thank the people who are closest to us. They are easy to take for granted, and we can expend all our patience and niceties on strangers and have only leftovers to give our family.

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    To strengthen families encourage children. To strengthen communities educate families. To strengthen a nation empower its communities.

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    To strengthen the family encourage children. To strengthen the community educate families. To strengthen the nation empower communities. .

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    Toto sits up, holding tight to the bar and staring out at the world. He drops a new toy that came with the pram and starts crying. Jimmy picks it up and crouches, looking into his caramel eyes. ‘I’m Jimmy,’ he whispers, ‘and you’re the first thing I’ve ever sort of owned and I don’t want to get this wrong.

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    To the loyal and to the blood-lovers, in the good families and in the fiery dynasties, life is family and family is life. It is the same people who give advice and their vices to live well who turn out to be the ones who give resource and reason to live long.

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    To the family of a victim of a fatal accident, the deceased was at the wrong place at the wrong time. To the family of the morgue owner, the deceased was at the right place at the right time.

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    To steel yourself against mangoes showed a degree of iciness that was almost inhuman.

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    To the Angels, and all that is good in this world, I pray that my son will be strong. He will find the strength to stand up to his father, and he will learn forgiveness in that strength. He will find his love and never let go, no matter what force may forbid them. I pray that love will meet and it will prevail, that it will climb to the highest peak and not fall to it’s death. It will stand high and strong, and no matter the storms that come its way, will never crack or splinter or break. I promise myself and all that I care about, that this will be so.

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    Treat people like family because they are.

    • family quotes
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    Traditions are important because they connect people. And we all need to feel a part of something bigger. Family values can be converted into powerful routines and create strong and meaningful traditions. Traditions don´t have to be BIG and time-consuming arrangements, instead it is the atmosphere and energy you decide to put into the arrangement that matters.

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    Trevor, make sure your woman is the woman in your life. Don't be one of those men who makes his wife compete with his mother. A man with a wife cannot be beholden to his mother.

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    To the members of my family who are no longer with us, I’d like to say I’m sorry. There is a quote by Stephen Dunn I’ve always loved; he says, “Our parents died at least twice, the second time when we forgot their stories.” I hope by remembering your stories, the good and the bad, you can forgive me for sharing parts of your lives you may have wished to have kept private.

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    Treating people genuinely nice often leads to disappointment when they just don’t bother to treat you back the same way.

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    Trees are like people and give the answers to the way of Man. They grow from the top down. Children, like treetops, have flexibility of youth, and sway more than larger adults at the bottom. They are more vulnerable to the elements, and are put to the test of survival by life's strong winds, rain, freezing cold, and hot sun. Constantly challenged. As they mature, they journey down the tree, strengthening the family unit until one day they have become big hefty branches. In the stillness below, having weathered the seasons, they now relax in their old age, no longer subject to the stress from above. It's always warmer and more enclosed at the base of the tree. The members remain protected and strong as they bear the weight and give support to the entire tree. They have the endurance.

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    ...True classical dropouts in society are those who avoid difficult challenges and cling to the first opportunity that comes their way. They never test their talents. These latent talents will only help to produce the next cycle of dropouts...

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    Trolls have a longstanding animosity for goats--"Who's that trip-tapping across my bridge!?"--and this led me to think that perhaps trolls are related to goats, since it seems a lot more plausible to me that your relatives would make you insane than some random hooved mammal, however ecologically destructive it might be. What if trolls evolved from goats? Or, no, better yet, what if goats evolved from trolls? Or were domesticated from trolls by human shepherds? And the trolls despise their domesticated cousins as a disgrace to the once-proud troll race, (much as I assume wolves would despise Chihuahuas if they ever gave them much thought) and eat them at every opportunity.

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    Troy and I loved each other. We called it 'unconditional love', which was true. Once conditions arose, the love dissipated.

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    True heroes and ideas never fall in the final sense of the word. They can only encounter temporary setbacks in their difficult journey to progress and success,

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    True family doesn't need blood ties; at the end of the day, they are the people who love you best, who laugh and cry with you, and who are always watching out the window when you come home.

    • family quotes