Best 1152 quotes in «connections quotes» category

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    As a holistic being you shatter the illusion of your separateness and reveal your connection to everything. This empowers you in a way that the ego-driven self could never contemplate.

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    A satyagrahi has always his minimum and it is this minimum that is wanted in connection with this struggle.

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    As I'm writing, I start to see connections, and themes I didn't see, and that sparks other things. So then I go back and rewrite things or alter them. It's a combination of intuition and a lot of finessing. It becomes a combination of the rational and the irrational.

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    As connected as we are with technology, it's also removed us from having to have human connection, made it more convenient to not be intimate.

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    As people continue to do more and buy more over the Internet, continue to meet people over the Internet, connection speeds are going to get faster, and the Internet is just going to become an even more integral part of people's lives.

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    As I see it, the major requirements for a strong and able rendering are an understanding of a work's structure, voicing, and trajectory; an ability to execute the details on the page from largest to smallest; technical command, and hopefully a connection with the overall expressive impulse (though the latter is not at all necessary to give a good performance).

    • connections quotes
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    As a viewer, I love watching movies. There has to be an emotional connection.

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    As things grew for me I felt like I was losing myself and wanted to stay true to myself as well. I didn't want to lose any connection I had with the audience. I felt small on a big stage and I felt like I was peaking generically to an audience.

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    As soon as you start talking about Scouting, there's an immediate connection and brotherhood.

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    A soul connection not only inspires us to expand, but also forces us to confront whatever stands in the way of that expansion.

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    As we work to reweave the strands of connection, we can be supported by the wisdom and lovingkindness of others.

    • connections quotes
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    At the end of the day, when the food has all been served and savored, what's left is your connection to the people around your fire

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    A state is organic when it has a center, and this center is an idea that shapes the various domains of life in an efficacious way; it is organic when it ignores the division and the autonomization of the particular and when, by virtue of the system of hierarchical participation, every part within its relative autonomy performs its own function and enjoys an intimate connection with the whole.

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    At the risk of sounding pedestrian, I'll be completely honest: the first thing I do in the morning is check Google News, partially because it seems sort of random and unbiased and partially because I tend to stay in hotels that don't necessarily have the fastest Internet connections.

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    At the moment, most customers do not wish to pay the extra money for connection to the Internet, and for some customers, connection procedures to the Internet are still not easy.

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    a time has come in our history when what is known has little connection with what is done.

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    Avoid the unhappy ending, the harsh, the brutal, the tragic, the horrible -- if you care to see in print things you write. (In this connection don't do as I do, but do as I say.

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    At this point I hadn't yet gotten deep into the historic condition that negroes in this country are confronted with, but at that point in my prison studies I, I read, I studied Islam as a religion more so than as I later come to know it in its connection with the plight or problem of Negroes in this country.

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    Awareness is conscious connection with universal intelligence. Another word for it is Presence: consciousness without thought.

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    Backup singers just bring so much more life to the situation. When a voice opens up, there comes the life.That's when it's a person-to-person connection.

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    Barack Obama believes he has the same kind of connection to the American people that Trump has.

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    Authentic happiness comes from being in conscious connection with our inner being rather than dependency on outer things and circumstances which are constantly in a state of flux.

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    Because connection with others and our "best self" is the most primal need we have, shame feels absolutely awful.

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    Be careful of your moods and feelings, for there is an unbroken connection between your feelings and your visible world.

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    Because it's one of these sort of connections between nodes- every pair of people adds communication overhead.

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    Basal Ganglia casts an unsettling spell, but one that in its aphoristic intensity and lightning-flash insights into human loneliness and connection, achieves a genuine empathic wisdom.

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    Because I see my own boys growing, and I see other children growing and I just have such a connection.

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    ...behind all the discernible laws and connections, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable.

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    Bell's theorem...proves that quantum theory requires connections that appear to resemble telepathic communication.

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    Beneath words and logic are emotional connections that largely direct how we use our words and logic.

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    Between understanding and faith immediate connections must subsist.

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    Books connect us with others, but that connection is created in solitude, one reader in one chair hearing one writer, what John Irving refers to as one genius speaking to another.

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    Brains are far more important than money or connections. Everyone and anyone can create a business out of their bedroom.

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    Big Data allows us to see patterns we have never seen before. This will clearly show us interdependence and connections that will lead to a new way of looking at everything. It will let us see the ‘real-time’ cause and effect of our actions. What we buy, eat, donate, and throw away will be visual in a real-time map to see the ripple effect of our actions. That could only lead to mores-conscious behavior.

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    Being around people with whom you feel a connection, on many levels, not just a professional one, is very relaxing. Your ears are more open to someone who is not a cantankerous bastard.

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    Brand is really the connection between you and your customersif you have a very strong culture, then the brand will come through.

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    But in film you always watch situations or stories that you really have no relation to. A lot of times just because there's no personal connection doesn't mean you can't connect with the film or the characters in the film.

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    Building new connections is a critical part of building a new economy. The American education system, as flawed as it is, is great for the creative class because of the way it mixes up networks.

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    But I am just as appalled that my experience, knowledge, dedication and service relative to defending the United States against biological warfare has been turned against me in connection with the search for the anthrax killer.

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    But this is such a "Wheel" moment. That song rocks. The best part is where John Mayer says how our connections are permanent, how if you drift apart from someone there's always a chance you can be part of their life again. How everything comes back around again.

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    But someone like Claude Chabrol tries to make a connection between the society in which we live and the social reasons which make monsters out of some people

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    But the rhythm of the mix tape is the rhythm of romance, the analog hum of a physical connection between two sloppy, human bodies.

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    But it is clear that the price of labour has no necessary connection with the price of food, since it depends entirely on the supply of labourers compared with the demand.

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    But in the finished art of the song the use of words has no connection with the use of words in poetry.

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    But what Web services suggest is that the connection is always there between an application that is resident somewhere in the cloud, and a user who is somewhere on the other end of a connection.

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    By ecology we understand the total science of the connections of the organism to the surrounding external world.

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    Capitalism cannot be reduced to one or a few features, but it does possess one relationship, central to its existence and operation, that constitutes the essence of inequality and ineradicable instability: the wage-labor-capital connection that dwells at the heart of the system.

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    Certain small ways and observances sometimes have connection with large and more profound ideas.

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    By making a soul connection, your true purpose in life will become the foundation of everything you do.

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    By providing memorable social media customer service, companies not only create deeper connections with consumers, but they glean valuable insights on how to improve their products or services.