Best 3969 quotes in «waiting quotes» category

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    A golden opportunity may turn into silver if you wait too long to take advantage of it.

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    All along I'd vaguely assumed the emptiness and the pain meant I was doing something wrong. But maybe it was all just part of the process so something new could be born. First the barrenness, to make space. Then the pain, which is the only way to a birth.

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    All this waiting. Waiting for the rain to stop. Waiting in traffic. Waiting for the bill. Waiting at the airport for an old friend. Waiting to depart. Then, there’s the big waiting: waiting to grow up. Waiting for love. Waiting to show your your parents that when you have kids you’ll be different. Waiting to retire. Waiting for death. Why do we think waiting is the antithesis of life when it is almost all of it?

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    All your heart’s desire will come true in due time.

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    Always too eager for the future, we Pick up bad habits of expectancy. Something is always approaching; every day Till then we say, Watching from a bluff the tiny, clear, Sparkling armada of promises draw near. How slow they are! And how much time they waste, Refusing to make haste! Yet still they leave us holding wretched stalks Of disappointment, for, though nothing balks Each big approach, leaning with brasswork prinked, Each rope distinct, Flagged, and the figurehead with golden tits Arching our way, it never anchors; it's No sooner present than it turns to past. Right to the last We think each one will heave to and unload All good into our lives, all we are owed For waiting so devoutly and so long. But we are wrong: Only one ship is seeking us, a black- Sailed unfamiliar, towing at her back A huge and birdless silence. In her wake No waters breed or break. - Next, Please

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    A minute or so passed by--not long, but long enough to make me wonder whether Oliver was setting up mood lighting or hiding dead bodies. Or if someone was up there waiting to stab me again. Or if someone was up there waiting to hand me a crown and tell me I was the long-lost princess of Genovia. Or if I'd tumble into a pit of lava, only to get saved at the last second by a flying carpet.

    • waiting quotes
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    Anagrams are everywhere, especially when you’re waiting, ‘toilet’ can give ‘Eliott’ i just found out.

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    And he knew he would not be travelling home. If he had to wear a donkey jacket and wait for fifty years, then he would wait. At last there was a place in the world where he had reason to be, a place that had meaning. For days, without realising it, he had sensed this meaning everywhere, in the streets, houses, ruins and temples of Rome. It could not be said of the feeling that it was 'filled with pleasurable expectation'. Rome and its millennia were not by nature associated with happiness, and what Mihály anticipated from the future was not what is usually conjured up by 'pleasurable expectation'. He was awaiting his fate, the logical, appropriately Roman, ending.

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    And oh, heaven - the crowded playhouse, the stench of perfume upon heated bodies, the silly laughter and the clatter, the party in the Royal box - the King himself present - the impatient crowd in the cheap seats stamping and shouting for the play to begin while they threw orange peel on to the stage.

    • waiting quotes
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    A lot of impulsive mistakes are made by people who simply aren’t willing to stay bored a little longer.

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    And you know what I realize now? That we're all waiting on something, no matter where we are in life. It's the human condition.

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    A scary movie or a book isn't still made. But I'm waiting for that!

  • By Anonym if the world had become a giant train station in which everything was delayed until further notice.

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    A ship on the port always waits for you to sail to the oceans!

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    As I get older I find it more and more easy to watch a pot until it boils.

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    Ask and wait expectantly for the answer.

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    And on the worn book of old-golden I brought not here to read, it seems, but hold And freshen in this air of withering sweetness;

    • waiting quotes
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    And I will wait for Jarod to work for me. For free, cause if it's paid, it's work and not love, unless, of course he loves to work, in which case he’ll surely love working for me, because I love people who love to do that to love to do that.

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    Aşteptarea e un cuvînt înţelept şi teribil.De ce înţelept?Păi sigur că este.Cînd nu mai poţi face nimic, cînd te simţi ca o gînganie în pumnul destinului, nu zici:sînt disperat, zici:aştept.Va veni, nu va veni ce aştepţi, nu se ştie.Important e că aştepţi.Din moment ce aştepţi , faci ceva.Ţi-ai găsit o ocupaţie.Cum mi-am găsit eu aici, unde am învăţat o nouă meserie, aceea de a aştepta.

    • waiting quotes
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    Așteptarea ne dă iluzia că facem ceva așteptând, când, de fapt, nu facem altceva decât să murim suportabil, puțin câte puțin…

    • waiting quotes
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    Aşteptarea e o meserie pe care o înveţi,aşa cum pictorul învaţă să-şi amestece culorile.

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    Aşteptarea are valoare cîtă vreme aştepţi să se întîmple ceva, cîtă vreme îţi poţi închipui că se va întîmpla ceva, chiar dacă nu se va întîmpla nimic.

    • waiting quotes
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    Astride of a grave and a difficult birth. Down in the hole, lingeringly, the grave digger puts on the forceps. We have time to grow old. The air is full of our cries. But habit is a great deadener. At me too someone is looking, of me too someone is saying, He is sleeping, he knows nothing. Let him sleep on.

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    Because something in him know she'd be there. That she was waiting. Because that's what mothers do. They wait. They stand still until their children belong to someone else.

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    As long as I fight, I am moved by hope; and if I fight with hope, then I can wait.

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    Be still. Be strong.

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    Breaking down a closed door is quicker than waiting for someone to answer it.

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    But an intelligent man like you would know that to live in an unrealistic hope is a very foolish way to spend a life." - Lena Gray

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    But lurking behind every summer was a fall just waiting to happen.

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    But sometimes you have to wait for an answer to come to you. Especially when the questions are difficult ones.

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    But when they changed their plans time and time again, the dates became confused, the periods were mislaid, and one day seemed so much like another that one could not feel them pass.

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    As long as you are waiting for something to make you happy — happiness will never come.

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    As long as you call on God, He will answer you.

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    believe that this way of living, this focus on the present, the daily, the tangible, this intense concentration not on the news headlines but on the flowers growing in your own garden, the children growing in your own home, this way of living has the potential to open up the heavens, to yield a glittering handful of diamonds where a second ago there was coal. This way of living and noticing and building and crafting can crack through the movie sets and soundtracks that keep us waiting for our own life stories to begin, and set us free to observe the lives we have been creating all along without ever realizing it. I don’t want to wait anymore. I choose to believe that there is nothing more sacred or profound than this day. I choose to believe that there may be a thousand big moments embedded in this day, waiting to be discovered like tiny shards of gold. The big moments are the daily, tiny moments of courage and forgiveness and hope that we grab on to and extend to one another. That’s the drama of life, swirling all around us, and generally I don’t even see it, because I’m too busy waiting to become whatever it is I think I am about to become. The big moments are in every hour, every conversation, every meal, every meeting. The Heisman Trophy winner knows this. He knows that his big moment was not when they gave him the trophy. It was the thousand times he went to practice instead of going back to bed. It was the miles run on rainy days, the healthy meals when a burger sounded like heaven. That big moment represented and rested on a foundation of moments that had come before it. I believe that if we cultivate a true attention, a deep ability to see what has been there all along, we will find worlds within us and between us, dreams and stories and memories spilling over. The nuances and shades and secrets and intimations of love and friendship and marriage an parenting are action-packed and multicolored, if you know where to look. Today is your big moment. Moments, really. The life you’ve been waiting for is happening all around you. The scene unfolding right outside your window is worth more than the most beautiful painting, and the crackers and peanut butter that you’re having for lunch on the coffee table are as profound, in their own way, as the Last Supper. This is it. This is life in all its glory, swirling and unfolding around us, disguised as pedantic, pedestrian non-events. But pull of the mask and you will find your life, waiting to be made, chosen, woven, crafted. Your life, right now, today, is exploding with energy and power and detail and dimension, better than the best movie you have ever seen. You and your family and your friends and your house and your dinner table and your garage have all the makings of a life of epic proportions, a story for the ages. Because they all are. Every life is. You have stories worth telling, memories worth remembering, dreams worth working toward, a body worth feeding, a soul worth tending, and beyond that, the God of the universe dwells within you, the true culmination of super and natural. You are more than dust and bones. You are spirit and power and image of God. And you have been given Today.

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    But he still wished Anna would do something to reassure him—ideally burst into tears and say, You were always there for me, always, and plead with him to forgive her for all her years of neglect—but he'd have settled for even a hint that she intended to make an active effort to meet up.

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    Deep in her soul, however, she was waiting for something to happen. Like a sailor in distress, she would gaze out over the solitude of her life with desperate eyes, seeking some white sail in the mists of the far-off horizon. She did not know what this chance event would be, what wind would drive it to her, what shore it would carry her to, whether it was a longboat or a three-decked vessel, loaded with anguish or filled with happiness up to the portholes. But each morning, when she awoke, she hoped it would arrive that day, and she would listen to every sound, spring to her feet, feel surprised that it had not come; then at sunset, always more sorrowful, she would wish the next day were already there.

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    Deep under our feet the Earth holds its molten breath, while the bones of countless generations watch us and wait.

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    Desperate prayers may be an indication of spiritual health rather than a sign of spiritual deficiency.

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    Endless dreams are forever waiting, whereas success is, and does.

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    Enjoying Life’s Pace: Waiting really shouldn’t be an occupation…things will happen when they happen and not one minute sooner. That is the way of life; it runs at its own pace. Enjoy as many minutes as you can.

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    Enjoy the moment while waiting.

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    Change moves incrementally from breath to breath and moment to moment, allowing for course-correction along the way.

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    Change will not come from waiting; change comes from action. If you want change, make change. Don’t sit around waiting for change to show up in your life.

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    Days may pass into months, months may pass into years, and years may pass into decades, but I will always keep waiting for you.

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    Did you ever think about boys?' I say, staring up into the dark. 'There wasn't room,' she whispers, and her voice is unbelievably sad. 'At first, after Connor, I was just waiting. I was going to get a new boyfriend soon- as soon as I was prettier or better, more perfect. But after a while there was no room for anything else. If I though about kissing or sex, I just started feeling ugly, too awful for anything good.

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    Do not be in a hurry, wait for the harvest.

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    Do not wait too long in living your dreams.

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    Don't anticipate for a promise, let it be an unexpected favour, this will increase your power of independence.

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    Don't be in a hurry in life. The sacred-time determines the due events.