Best 873 quotes in «misery quotes» category

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    A walk is a walk and must be taken; breakfast and dinner come when they are due. The routines of the living are inviolable, no hiatus called on account of misery, spiritual crisis, or awful weather.

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    A woman wearing a half hijab sat on a dirty rag. I could see her toes through her ripped shoes. A baby cried in her arms. She opened her palm to me, saying, “We have no home. Please help me and my baby. God will bless you.” I noticed her broken teeth. My heart sank; I turned my face to the other side. My God! If I turned to every misery around me, I would be crying rivers on the street.

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    Being a stoic does not mean being a robot. Being a stoic means remaining calm both at the height of pleasure and the depths of misery.

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    Better Old King Cole and his merry soul than a hundred Franz Kafkas.

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    Batter Old King Cole and his merry soul than a hundred Franz Kafkas.

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    Because we are always growing, life compounds and magnifies what is already in us. If you are miserable you grow in misery and if you are joyful you grow in joy. This makes self-love is the perfect soil from which to grow love.

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    Bir kadın konuşarak, bize Acıdan Söz Et, dedi. O da dedi ki: Acınız idrakinizi saran kabuğun kırılmasıdır. Nasıl meyvenin çekirdeği kırılmak zorundaysa, canevinin güneşin altında durması için, siz de acıyı tanımak zorundasınız. Eğer yüreklerinizi yaşamlarınızın gündelik mucizeleri karşısında hayretle dolu tutabilseydiniz, acınız da en az sevinciniz kadar harikulade görünürdü. Yüreğinizin mevsimlerini kabullenirdiniz, tıpkı tarlalarınızdan geçen mevsimleri her zaman kabullendiğiniz gibi. Ve hüznünüzün kışlarını dinginlikle seyredersiniz. Acılarınızın çoğu kendi seçiminizdir. Acı, içinizdeki hekimin hasta nefsinizi sağaltmakta kullandığı acı iksirdir. Onun için hekime güvenin, ilacını sessizlik ve dinginlikle için; Çünkü eli ağır ve sert de olsa, Görünmeyen'in müşfik eliyle yönlendirilir. Uzattığı çanak dudaklarınızı yaksa da, Çömlekçi'nin Kendi kutsal gözyaşlarıyla ıslattığı kilden yapılmıştır.

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    Before you are much will have policemen here to stay. A magistrate will be next. Then perhaps even a jail. And the counterparts of those things are hunger and want, and misery and idleness. The night is coming. Watch and pray.

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    BEWARE OF THOSE Beware of those who are bitter, For they will never allow you To enjoy your fruit. Beware of those who criticize you When you deserve some praise for an achievement, For they secretly desire to be worshiped. Beware of those who are needy or stingy, For they would rather sting you Than give you anything. Beware of those who are always hungry. They will feed you to the wolves Just to get paid. Beware of those who speak negatively About everything and everybody. A negative person will never say A positive thing about you. Beware of those who are bored And not passionate about life. They will bore you with reasons for not living. Beware of those who are too focused with Polishing and beautifying their outer shells. They lack true substance to understand That genuine beauty is in the heart that resides inside. Beware of those who step in the path of your dreams. They only dream to have the ability To take half your steps. Beware of those who steer you away From your heart’s true happiness. It would make them happy to see you Steer yourself next to them, Sitting with both your hearts bitter. Those who are critical don’t like being criticized, And those who are insensitive have a deficiency in their senses. And finally, Beware of those who tell you to BEWARE. They are too aware of everything – And live alone, scared. BEWARE OF THOSE by Suzy Kassem

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    Bitterness leads to misery.

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    But then he returned and our life went on. Three days gone. A week. I measured the time in the faint waning of my consciousness of my misery, and wondered if this would one day be enough: simply not to be consciously miserable anymore.

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    But there was a sense of something tipping out of balance. The times seemed out of joint. There was too much decadence. Too much intensity. Too much change. Too much happiness juxtaposed with too much misery. Too much wealth next to too much poverty. The world was becoming faster and louder, and the social systems were becoming as chaotic and fragmented as jazz scores. So there was a craving, in some places, for simplicity, for order, for scapegoats and for bully-boy leaders, for nations to become like religions or cults. It happened every now and then. It seemed, in the 1930s, that the whole course of humanity was at stake. As it very often does today. Too many people wanted to find an easy answer to complicated questions. It was a dangerous time to be human. To feel or to think or to care.

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    But in all His dealings with His creatures God has maintained the principles of righteousness by revealing sin in its true character-by demonstrating that its sure result is misery and death.

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    By not hurting anyone through one's mind, speech and action, all the vows (vrat) are encompassed in this!

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    But I've got a kind of misery that makes me blind and deaf. You wouldn't understand. You live in the open with all of you spread out around you. I'm mangled in a machine. Even to say it's my own fault doesn't mean anything.

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    Cold has its own taste. It tastes of a bitten tongue. It coils around you, a living thing, a beast that means to kill you, not with wrath, not with tooth nor claw, but with the mercy of surrender, with the kindness of letting you go gentle into the long night after such a burden of pain and misery.

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    Causes (karmic) are created by doing raag-dwesh (attachment-abhorrence) in situations of happiness and misery; and causes come to an end, when one remains normal or in equanimity in situations of happiness and misery.

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    Cela faisait mal de voir que nous nous retournions contre nous-mêmes, que nous nous flagellions parce que nous ne savions pas encore comment lutter contre la course réelle de notre misère.

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    But where is the antidote for lucid despair, perfectly articulated, proud, and sure? All of us are miserable, but how many know it? The consciousness of misery is too serious a disease to figure in an arithmetic of agonies or in the catalogues of the Incurable. It belittles the prestige of hell, and converts the slaughterhouses of time into idyls. What sin have you committed to be born, what crime to exist? Your suffering like your fate is without motive. To suffer, truly to suffer, is to accept the invasion of ills without the excuse of causality, as a favor of demented nature, as a negative miracle. . .

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    But why, everybody asks, am I not blessed by fortune (or at least not as blessed as I would like to be)? Why have I not been favored like others who are less deserving? No one believes their misfortunes are attributable to any shortcomings of their own; that is why they must find a culprit.

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    Courage lightens distress, hope alleviates grief, doubt aggravates affliction, fear worsens anguish, worry magnifies misery, and faith overthrows despair.

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    Create memories; forget misery.

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    Death is misery! The lifeless person was once full of life.

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    Cómo lucha por escapar. Igual que nosotros, Paul, igual… Creemos que sabemos mucho, pero en realidad no sabemos más que una rata en una trampa, una rata con la espalda rota que aún cree que quiere vivir. -Annie Wilkes

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    Despite all the sadness, violence and misery, I still believe in universal peace, goodness, and beauty of humanity.

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    Deep down a broken heart, all the sadness one can bear is misery.

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    Die Anzahl der Lebensmittel sagte etwas aus über die verschwommene Grenze zwischen dem Unabhängigen Staat Realität und der Volksrepublik Paranoia.

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    Dialogue is about freeing human beings from the beliefs and attitudes that make human beings miserable.

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    Contemplating a beautiful sunrise, you’re not distracted by thinking about the past or the future. The more concentrated you become, the more you see the beauty all around you. So concentration is a source of happiness.

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    Don’t play old tapes. Just cut the very root, just drop the whole idea of old patterns and old habits and start living in a new way. And it is only a question of decision. Once you decide, things start changing, because everything depends on your decision. That is the meaning of the word decision: it means ’it cuts’, decision. It cuts your past, it creates a discontinuity.

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    Don’t let your outer pain, misery, and suffering touch your inner calmness and happiness.

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    Dostoyevsky's indignation at Afanasy Fet's innocent lyrics, "Whispers, timid breath, the nightingales trilled," is well known. This is simply disgraceful, wrote Dostoyevsky indignantly, and he speculated what an insulting impression such empty verses would have made if they'd been given to someone to read during the Lisbon earthquake! Some people protested: Yes, of course, Dostoyevsky is right, but we aren't having an earthquake, and we aren't in Lisbon, and after all, are we not allowed to love, to listen to nightingales, to admire the beauty of a beloved woman? But Dostoyevsky's argument held sway for a long time. It did so because of the way Russians perceive Russian life: as a constant, unending Lisbon earthquake.

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    Don't regret your despondency in the shadows of evil, for the good light never did anything to erase your misery.

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    …Do you think there’s somewhere else, some other place to go after this one?” Mandy blurted out. “You mean when you die, where will you end up?” Alecto asked her. “…I wouldn’t know… back to whatever void there is, I suppose.” “I’ve thought about it… every living thing dies alone, it’ll be lonely after death,” Mandy sighed sadly. “That freaks me out, does it scare you?” “I don't want to be alone,” Alecto replied wearily. “We won’t be, though. We’ll be dead, so we’ll just be darkness, not much else, just memories, nostalgia and darkness.” “I don’t want to be any of that either though,” Mandy exclaimed, bursting into tears and crying, keeping her eyes to the floor, her voice shaky as she spoke to him. “When we die, we’ll still be nothing, the world will still be nothing, everything’ll just be nothing!” “You’re real though, at least that’s something,” Alecto pointed out, holding his hand out in front of her. Smiling miserably, Mandy took his hand in her own and sat there beside him quietly.

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    Drowning his misery with alcohol and junk food was like sticking plaster on an infected cut. It masked it temporarily, but only made it fester under the surface till it came spilling out again.

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    Dwell in the past, worry about the future and find misery in the present.

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    Either enjoy happiness or enjoy misery. The choice is yours.

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    Ein Mädchen, das um Mitternacht für gewöhnlich wie eine Königin aussah und wie ein Gnom um zehn Uhr am nächsten Morgen

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    Elles ont un père. Ce ne sont pas de ces malheureuses qui commencent par n'avoir pas de famille et qui finissent par épouser le public. On est mamselle Personne, on devient madame Tout-le-monde.

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    En su vida, nada había podido contaminar el pozo loco de sus sueños: ni la bebida, ni las drogas, ni el dolor. Escapó hacia ese pozo como un animal sediento que encuentra un charco al atardecer y bebió de él, lo que significa que encontró un agujero en el papel y se lanzó a su interior, agradecido

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    Era demasiado escrupuloso para no esforzarme por ser lo más desgraciado posible.

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    Era tan guapa que dolía. Una muñeca todavía perfecta, al borde de la rotura que la vida y la miseria le impondrían.

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    Er hatte immer gewusst, dass die Götter hart waren, und hatte diese Tatsache akzeptiert; aber er verspürte nicht den Wunsch, in einer Welt zu leben, wo die Götter wahnsinnig waren.

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    Escribir puede ser una forma de masturbación, pero que Dios me libre de convertirlo en un acto de autocanibalismo.

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    Ever since history has been written, ever since philosophy has meditated, misery has been the garment of the human race.

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    Everything moves in this world according to some rules and ignorance of these rules is the cause of our failures and misery.

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    Everything takes place at a right time. It’s your anxiety to achieve everything before time or grab things more than you required, add misery to your life.

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    Everything that drowned me taught me how to swim.

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    Don't miss a chance at happiness because of your past misery.

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    Each time we make a choice we are either moving toward freedom and prosperity or bondage and misery.