Best 538 quotes in «absence quotes» category

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    If this turns to friendship, it only means That one of us will suffer. That when we meet after the worst of endings, There will only be this skein of words between us— Most of them for boredom, fewer for loneliness— Rising out of our mutual space of breath, leaving Behind a bluer sky each moment of departure. And one of us will cling on to its blue, Hung on partings like a muted cloud, while The other rides on a wing of word away from here.

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    If you can open your mouth to say; I love you! To someone without taking such person(s) as your priority, even with your gifts and money, something more important than your freebie is missing out!

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    If your Absence doesn't Kill someone, Your Presence sure did not Matter.

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    If your absence is ever felt, then you will be either missed or cursed.

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    I had seen the few things I cared about forget me seamlessly. I had seen the life I never really fit into heal up around my absence like a wound scabbed over.

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    I kiss her ghost, and sleep with the dust on her photograph, next to my bedside.

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    I know an alcoholic is the worse, but sometimes I wonder if it's better to have a drinking father that lives at home, or a drinking father, that never comes around.

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    Il ragazzo è cattivo perché sua mamma è una ubriacona o un rottame. Gli lascia fare quello che vuole. Non gli insegna la differenza tra ciò che è giusto e ciò che è sbagliato. Non è a casa quando torna da scuola. Nessuno dice mai che suo padre è un ubriacone, o che non è a casa quando lui torna da scuola. E nessuno dice che alcuni di questi ragazzi sono solo maledettamente cattivi.

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    Influence is when you are not the one talking and yet your words fill the room; when you are absent and yet your presence is felt everywhere.

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    In the architecture of their life some may display Potemkin happiness in view of hiding the dark features of their fair weather relationship, preferring to set up a window dressing of fake satisfaction rather than being rejected as emotional outcasts. ("Absence of beauty was like hell")

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    I just wanted to tell you, how beautiful you were; that day, that night, that life.

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    I know they're gonna talk about me in my absence. If its bad, am gonna hear it through grapevine.

    • absence quotes
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    Il existe des dates éternellement marquantes et irréprochablement perpétuées à travers les cycles, les époques où l’intervalle du temps qui commence et ne finit jamais.

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    I lost myself in the burden of trying to be your savior.

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    I stood there silently, under the cold embrace of that rain, and watched myself drown, as all of that sadness soaked itself onto me, It did not wash away my sorrows, nor did it comfort me, it just gave in to me, like a falling leaf gives in to the ground, filling my chest with all the sorrows, of both tomorrow and yesterday, it broke something in me, something i once cherished, and without that torn self, i often ask myself, i wonder, what's worse ?? To lose one's own self? or to lose one's own reason to live ....

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    I snort coke and I drink coconut water. I think of drug dealers like I think of my father - never really there when you want them to be.

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    I still smell your absence on my skin. It smells of insomnia and rusted key locks...

  • By Anonym is easier to like difficult people when they are leaving, or already gone.

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    It is a solemn duty to change lives positively.It is a noble honor to inspire and be there for others.It is an irresistible necessity to have empathy; to understand the situations and the reasons for the actions of others. Real mentoring is less of neither the candid smile nor the amicable friendship that exists between the mentor and the mentee and much more of the impacts. The indelible great footprints the mentor lives on the mind of the mentee in a life changing way. How the mentor changes the mentee from ordinariness to extra-ordinariness; the seed of purposefulness that is planted and nurtured for great fruits; the prayer from afar from the mentor to the mentee; and the great inspirations the mentee takes from the mentor to dare unrelentingly to face the storms regardless of how arduous the errand may be with or without the presence of the mentor

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    Isabel’s indelible absence is now an organ in our bodies whose sole function is a continuous secretion of sorrow.

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    It is queer to be in a place when someone has gone. It is not two other places, the place that they were there in, and the place that was there before they came. I can't get used to this third place or to staying behind.

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    It is not the mountain that is our problem but the absence of knowledge on how to deal with the mountain.

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    It is regret for the absence of his loved one which causes a mourner to grieve: yet it is clear that this in itself is bearable enough; for we do not weep at their being absent or intending to be absent during their lifetime, although when they leave our sight we have no more pleasure in them. What tortures us, therefore, is an idea.

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    It is a strange phenomenon, how absence is the only authentic vessel of the past, how otherwise it is forgotten, overlooked for its continuity and perdurability—every sensory detail of the past breathes through its emptiness the way the light of a match illuminates the darkness; otherwise all is darkness, all is presence, everything in its place and thus unnoticed, whereas the past is missing, the part cut out of the photograph, the part the present attempts to seal over with the future, seeking to close the hole, pandering to the illusion of movement and change when in reality all of life is in flux, particle for particle, atom for atom, void for void, thought for thought.

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    It was well known to the team of eight extreme night shift workers that group needed nine workers to prevent overwork and accumulation of excess night shift hours that could not be taken because there were not enough workers to cover for the absence.

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    It's okay,” he said. “We're together.” He didn't say you're okay, or we're alive. After all they'd been through over the last year, he knew that the most important thing was that they were together. She loved him for saying that.

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    I was diagnosed with absence seizures after a decade of high altitude work up to 13,796 feet.

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    I was diagnosed with seizures at age of forty five.

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    I was also caught by absence in all its forms.

    • absence quotes
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    I wasn't there. Sometimes that's the best place to be.

    • absence quotes
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    loneliness is a great teacher and a master test of character

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    Loss. A known absence. If you didn't know it, it would be nothing, which it is, of course, a nothing of another kind, as acutely felt as a blister, but a tumult, too, in the region of the heart and lungs, an emptiness with a name: You

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    I wept because from now on I will weep less. I wept because I have lost my pain and I am not yet accustomed to its absence.

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    Love can be simply the absence of tension.

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    Love and hatred are intertwined in life. They agree to disagree and they disagree to agree. When one is absent the other may become present. In what we hate most lay what we love most and in what we love most lay what we hate most

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    I was thinking how most people don't make you feel much of anything at all. Don't make you feel like time spent with them has grace, like every moment in their company is a gift. But Finn did. Finn, my midsummer night's dream.

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    My mind couldn't fit itself around the shape of his absence.

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    Momentarily, I could forget the sorrow of my absent daughter by being the daughter who was present.

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    My return was sweet, my home refound, but my thoughts were filled only with grief at having lost her, and my eyes gazed at the Moon, for ever beyond my reach, as I sought her. And I saw her. She was there where I had left her, lying on a beach directly over our heads, and she said nothing. She was the colour of the Moon; she held the harp at her side and moved one hand now and then in slow arpeggios. I could distinguish the shape of her bosom, her arms, her thighs, just as I remember them now, just as now, when the Moon has become that flat, remote circle, I still look for her as soon as the first silver appears in the sky, and the more it waxes, the more clearly I imagine I can see her, her or something of her, but only her, in a hundred, a thousand different vistas, she who makes the Moon the Moon and, whenever she is full, sets the dogs to howling all night long, and me with them.

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    Par l'imagination nous abandonnons le cours ordinaire des choses. Percevoir et imaginer sont aussi antithétiques que présence et absence. Imaginer c'est s'absenter, c'est s'élancer vers une vie nouvelle.

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    Now here it was after all, preserved by some considerate hand with varnisch and wax. Preserved along with it, like stale air in an unopened room, was the well known fear which had surrounded and filled those days, so much of it that I hadn't even known it was there. Because, unfamiliar with the abscence of fear and what that was like, I had not been able to identify it's presence. Looking back now across fifteen years, I could see with great clarity the fear I had lived in, which must mean that in the interval I had succeeded in a very important undertaking: I must have made my escape from it. I felt fear's echo, and along with that I felt the unhinged, uncontrollable joy which had been its accompanient and opposite face, joy which had broken out sometimes in those days like Northern Lights across black sky

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    Peace does not mean an absence of conflict, because opposition, polarity and conflict are natural and universal laws.

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    Pensavo che l'invisibilità fosse la condanna peggiore, invece lo era l'inconsistenza. La perdita di spessore delle promesse, della fede, dell'amore. È incredibile come un intero castello possa cadere in un giorno. Le fondamenta di tutto ciò in cui credevamo erano crollate nel fango, portandosi dietro una fiducia che consideravo immortale.

    • absence quotes
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    Quello che Jared non sapeva, e che non volevo ammettere, era che io non avevo mai visto una lontra. Non dal vivo, almeno. Mi crogiolavo davanti ai documentari, con la voglia di portare mia sorella all'acquario, quando fosse nata. Le avrei indicato la vasca, sperando di ammirare le lontre che si tengono per mano, come avevo visto centinaia di volte in TV. E anche io l'avrei tenuta per mano, per non perderla, perché cosi fanno le lontre: non si perdono.

    • absence quotes
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    Real mentoring is less of neither the candid smile nor the amicable friendship that exists between the mentor and the mentee and much more of the impacts. The indelible great footprints the mentor live on the mind of the mentee in a life changing way. How the mentor changes the mentee from ordinariness to extra-ordinariness; the seed of purposefulness that is planted and nurtured for great fruits; the payer from afar from the mentor to the mentee; and the great inspirations the mentee takes from the mentor to dare unrelentingly to face the storms regardless of how arduous the errand may be with or without the presence of the mentor.

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    Only by fully preparing oneself for people's absence can one be at ease with their presence. A recluse, I have begun to understand, is not a person for whom a connection with another person is unattainable or meaningless, but one who feels she must abstain from people because a connection is an affliction, or worse, an addiction. It has not occurred to me, until I met Trevor, to ask: 'Will I see you again?' What had precluded me from asking is this: 'Perhaps I won't see you again, and if so, goodbye for now and goodbye forever.

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    People imagine that missing a loved one works kind of like missing cigarettes. The first day is really hard but the next day is less hard and so forth, easier and easier the longer you go on. But instead it’s like missing water. Every day, you notice the person’s absence more.

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    Perception is reality in the absence of fact

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    Return, while night clatters and mirrors open and everything tears inside because of your absence. Everything wants to get on with the wind, the sky. To register a terrible gesture, some way of being without you, an impossible.

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    René Char dans "Eloge d'une soupçonnée" écris le suivant: "Dans les rues de la ville il y a mon amour. Peu importe où il va dans le temps divisé. Il n'est plus mon amour, chacun peut lui parler. Il ne se souvient plus; qui au juste l'aima? Il cherche son pareil dans le voeu des regards. L'espace qu'il parcourt est ma fidélité." René Char, poète français du XXe siècle et membre de la Résistance française, parle de l’Amour en termes de résistance contre l’absence, non pas sous sa forme laborieuse, mais sous la forme la plus simple qu’une résistance aie jamais prise. Pour Char, la présence du bien-aimé n'est plus une condition préalable à l'épanouissement de l’amour et en aucun cas la cause d’un probable fanement. Le bien-aimé est là, dans l'espace qu'il remplit, dans l'espace qu'il décore; à sa guise et avec qui il veut. Le bien-aimé tient le temps aussi ainsi que les clés de l’absence. Mais l'amour de Char, l’amour avec un A majuscule, “résiste" si facilement.