Best 38 quotes in «metal quotes» category

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    Aluminium’s sixty-year reign as the world’s most precious substance was glorious, but soon an American chemist ruined everything.

    • metal quotes
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    ... as Eskimo language is to snow, so archaic English is to 'metal objects designed to cause harm'.

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    By any rights, he should be dead. He was involved in an explosion with a bomb, which he happened to be carrying at the time. Conrad is something of a scientific miracle. There are more than thirty metal pins in his body. He has a metal plate in his skull. There are metal wires in his jaw and in most of his major joints." "He must set off a lot of airport alarms," Alex muttered.

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    Build my fear of what's out there And cannot breathe the open air Whisper things into my brain Assuring me that I'm insane They think our heads are in their hands But violent use brings violent plans Keep him tied, it makes him well He's getting better, can't you tell?

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    Fear of living on Natives getting restless now Mutiny in the air Got some death to do Mirror stares back hard Kill, it's such a friendly word Seems the only way For reaching out again.

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    Cars are a form of the Faraday cage.

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    Gray. The overcast skies had the colour of deadened stones, and seemed closer than usually, as though they were phlegmatically observing my every movement with their apathetic emptily blue-less eyes; each tiny drop of hazy rain drifting around resembled transparent molten steel, the pavement looked like it was about to burst into disconsolate tears, even the air itself was gray, so ultimate and ubiquitous that colour was everywhere around me. Gray...

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    Heavy Metal would not exist without Led Zeppelin, and if it did, it would suck.

    • metal quotes
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    He thought about it for a minute. The kitty was only around seven thousand give or take a gold tooth and some coinage – minus the ship – which must’ve been worth well, a lot more than seven thousand, even in scrap metal. An alarm was going off somewhere, faintly.

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    Heavy Metal has been forced to create its own underworld. It plays by its own rules, follows its own aesthetic prerogatives… Metal is no longer a staple of FM radio, nor are record labels publishing it like they used to. Watching MTV and reading popular magazines, one might not even realize Heavy Metal still existed at all. Rumors of its demise are greatly exaggerated, however, as the Metal underground boils and seethes worldwide. Especially left to its own devices and relegated to independent labels run by the fans themselves, this has allowed Metal’s most antisocial and aggressive tendencies to develop unburdened by any system of moral checks and balances, which society provides–at least tenuously–for other forms of music.

    • metal quotes
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    I call supplementing with electrolytes and metals: The Electrical Chemistry of the Human

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    Human mind and body metals appear to be lost through radio frequency exposure and I call this hypothesis: Internal Human Corrosion

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    Did you hear the one about me giving a shit? ‘Cause if I ever did I don’t remember it!

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    Images of broken light dance behind my eyelids. How could this giant lamp compare to the sun? Everything is wrong here. Shattered. Broken. Like the light. Like me. I never thought about how important the sky was until I didn’t have one. I am surrounded by walls. I have just replaced one box for another.

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    I never strike out at any life form. The only things I attack are icons of conspicuous consumption. People put objects in front of their life, in front of anything that has real importance. They make this 'thing' their God.

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    In the late 80s though, during the new Glam Rock, leather trousers came back with a vengeance. In a way they replaced Spandex, which had slipped slowly out of fashion due to bands like Saxon never being out of the stuff. These new leather trousers began to develop accessories such as tassels, sequins, and laces up the sides. This all looked quite nice for a while, but in the end they were just another easy target for Kurt Cobain and his subversive cardigans.

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    I stared out of the window, at my Bronco rusting in the parking lot, the metal eager to get back to just being dirt. Life was probably easier for it back then.

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    I let that swim around in my aching head for a few minutes - "the arsenal of megadeath...the arsenal of megadeath" - and then, for some reason I can't quite explain, I began to write. Using a borrowed pencil and a cupcake wrapper, I wrote the first lyrics of my post-Metallica life. This song was called "Megadeth" (I dropped the second "a"), and though it would never find its way onto an album, it did serve as the basis for the song "Set the World Afire." It hadn't occured to me then that Megadeth-as used by Senator Cranston, megadeath referred to the loss of one million lives as a result of nuclear holocaust-might be a perfectly awesome name for a thrash metal band.

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    Money is precisely an object whose status depends on how we 'think' about it: if people no longer treat this piece of metal as money, if they no longer 'believe' in it as money, it no longer is money.

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    My alcoholism is in no way any sort of excuse for any of my past behaviors. Just because I quit drinking, my life was not suddenly transformed into a tabula rasa-if I have wronged someone, drunk or not, then the responsibility for this lies squarely with me. And I must do my best to set things square with that person. ... ....And just because I am sober now does not mean anyone else should care. I do not deserve a cookie for finally trying to act like a decent human being.

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    People who have metal implants should be familiar with the symptoms of radio wave sickness and should keep their environment free of wireless radiation producing products.

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    Metal astronomical observatory domes and metal buildings are a form of the Faraday cage.

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    No more can they keep us in Listen, damn it, we will win They see it right, they see it well But they think this saves us from our hell

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    Ricky was a young boy, he had a heart of stone./Tequila in his heartbeat, his veins burned gasoline./18 and life you got it.

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    Mercury poison me and we will have a problem.

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    Pure gold does not rust. Only gold alloys do so. You may have golden dreams. But if you go in the company of toxic people, your become "a gold alloy" and what that means is that you can rust at any time!

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    solder. this is me and you together

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    Sleep my friend and you will see That dream is my reality They keep me locked up in this cage Can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

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    The various forms of electromagnetic radiation were extensively proven harmful to human health decades ago. The air is electrified, the ground is electrified, the water is electrified, your metal mattress is electrified, your metal under wired bra is electrified, your children are electrified, and you are electrified. Unfortunately, we are in the electromagnetic radiation epidemic.

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    The machine demanded access codes. As he entered the first, a faint whispering sound startled him, causing him to snatch up the sweep laser. All was silent again. It had sounded like metal on metal. Could he have imagined it? He listened intently.

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    The vitamin, mineral, metal and oil content of the human body drastically alters its reactivity to radiation exposures.

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    Você desencarcera-se da carne vertendo-te da pele em calor e através de ti eu, metal de memória assumo o tempo perdido, prometido e sim. Você desemaranha-se das entranhas vertendo-te da boca aos ouvidos em música e através de ti eu, anfiteatro de sombras estreio o tempo perdido, prometido e sim. Você se desprende do corpo vertendo-te pelos poros em perfume e através de ti eu, abelha operária teço o tempo perdido, prometido e sim. Você se descola da parede celular vertendo-te às bochechas em tempero e através de ti eu, devorador de mundos saboreio o tempo perdido, prometido e sim. Você se desencana do condicionamento te atravessando até mim por entre visões e através de ti eu, visionário das eternidades cegas contemplo o espaço descoberto, realizado e nu e não!

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    The fact of the matter is that when I drink, I am 100 percent certifiably insane. Hopelessly, utterly, undeniably bat shit crazy. I do things that are abhorrent to me; anathema to my nature, my morals, and my upbringing. And once I start, I cannot stop the craziness. It just spirals on and on, ever downward, until I die or hit rock bottom. And even at rock bottom, despite all evidence that I should stop, I will grab a cold beer and a pick ax and keep digging deeper. It's insane. The only way I know to not be crazy is just not to drink.

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    Thousands of cars and a million guitars Screaming with power in the air! We've found the place where the decibels race This army of rock will be there To ram it down Ram it down! Straight to the heart of this town. Ram it down. Ram it down. Razing the place to the ground, Ram it down!

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    When I was commissioning a brand new solar photovoltaic utility site, I came across metal tubes installed into the fuseholders that were marked up as 100 amp fuses on the diagram. Needless to say, it had already gone on fire.

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    XOXO met the deadline and left late for her dome. She was tired and just wanted to take a music bath and rest. Not many bellows had passed when her metal wire turned red.

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    Welcome to where time stands still No one leaves and no one will Moon is full, never seems to change Just labeled mentally deranged Dream the same thing every night I see our freedom in my sight No locked doors, No windows barred No things to make my brain seem scarred

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    Waddya want me to do? through my sling shot at him?