Best 930 quotes in «dragons quotes» category

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    With his supernatural vision he immediately spotted Rhea sitting near the shoreline, her legs stretched out in front of her. Unfortunately she had on clothing. Not that he'd expected her to be naked. Still, a dragon could dream.... After shifting to his human form he let his camouflage drop and headed toward her. Naked. He held onto his clothes, but didn't bother to put them on as he stalked across the sand. Nudity was no big deal to shifters but normally he clothed himself in front of females in socially appropriate situations. Now, the most primal part of him wanted Rhea to see all of him. To see what he had to offer her.

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    With the suggestion of a compromise Gawaine mustered up enough courage to speak. "What will you do if I surrender?" he asked. "Why, I'll eat you," said the dragon. "And if I don't surrender?" "I'll eat you just the same.

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    Writing is the voice of the heart' Julia Suzuki

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    Without St. George, that balance would tip. Without the Order, there would be nothing to stop Talon and the Elder Wyrm from achieving what they wanted from the start: complete and utter dominion.

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    Worrying over everyone else? There’s no time for that.

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    You and me,” Ulrik said. “No friendship has ever been stronger, and there’s nothing that will ever tear apart our bond.” Con looked at him, a wide smile in place. “Brothers.” “Brothers.

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    Yeah... everything is images for me. Bits and pieces coming together in pictures.” He grinned. “I see good fortune as dragons, and...” he turned the cup, pointing at a rippling shape along the edge, “and that thing there is definitely a dragon. Whoever this person is – this tall guy you talk to – it’s a good thing for you. Some kind of resolution, and a change for the future...

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    You are not wrong," Laurence said. He had assumed as much himself, after all, in his Navy days: had thought the Corps full of wild, devil-may-care libertines, disregarding law and authority as far as they dared, barely kept in check-- to be used for their control over the beasts, and not respected. "But if we have more liberty than we ought," Laurence said, after a moment, struggling through, "it is because they have not enough: the dragons. They have no stake in victory but our happiness; their daily bread and nation would give them just to have peace and quiet. We are given licence so long as we do what we ought not; so long as we use their affections to keep them obedient and quiet, to ends which serve them not at all-- or which harm." "How else do you make them care?" Granby said. "If we left off, the French would only run right over us, and take our eggs themselves." "They care in China," Laurence said, "and in Africa, and they care all the more, that their rational sense is not imposed on, and their hearts put into opposition with their minds. If they cannot be woken to a natural affection for their country, such as we feel, it is our fault, and not theirs.

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    You are mine. You are always going to be mine. It doesn't matter what came before, the only thing that matters is what is now and going forward. There will never be anyone else for you. Only me. Me.

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    You aren't meant to be a prisoner. You're powerful and incredible." "You've no' seen me in dragon form." "I don't have to. I see the man before me now.

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    You can have all the wine and dragons that my money can buy. That’s what the old woman told me, and I listened.

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    You can't be completely in love with a dragon and expect anything to be normal.

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    You can't order me away, you pissant human--" "I just did." Kas swept past him...

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    You can't purchase me with a bunch of stones." "I wouldn't dream of purchasing you." Cullen laughed low in his chest and smiled, this time showing even white teeth. "You're too much trouble. I thought I'd just steal you for a bit.

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    You could never be a weakness,” he growled. Ever. She could only ever be his everything.

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    You have no idea what you really are," the Elder Wyrm went on, "or why you are special to the dragons of Talon.

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    You keep doing that, and you'll find yourself mated quick enough." "It's no' for me. I'm perfectly content just as I am." Ryder made a face. "Are you insane? why say something like that and temp the cosmos?" Laith watch him walk away, wondering if he had just drawn the interest of fate.

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    You know that all dragons collect treasure of one sort or another, correct?" he asked, looking straight at Andie. "That's The Tradition, of course," she replied. "I don't know how you could possibly escape that particular compulsion." "Well, our family does that, too, of course," he said. "But our treasure is a bit different. We're librarians." He held up his fore-claws and she saw that they had been blunted; looking closer, she saw that what was covering the talons were sheaths of some sort with blunt tips. Well, if they were librarians... they'd have to keep from damaging the books, wouldn't they? "Librarians," she said aloud, then grinned as she got it. "Good gods. You are Bookwyrms, aren't you?" Gina stared at her a moment, then groaned as she got the pun. The Tradition loved puns.

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    You know you've written a good book when even the people who hate it admit it's entertaining.

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    You're a Scott," the Dark said, his lips peeled back in displeasure, as if just saying the word was revolting. "And you're Irish. I'm so glad we got that settled.

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    You’re mine,” he growled. He hoped she really understood that too. That she was his in every sense of the word. And vice versa. The female completely owned him. Until the day he died, he would be hers.

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    Yes," Nicholas replied, in a bored voice. "The name is Dutch. Dragonwyck, meaning place of the dragon. It derives from an Indian legend about a flying serpent whose eyes were fire and whose flaming breath withered the corn." "Heavens!" With a light laugh, Miranda asked her new employer if the red men had sent forth a champion to do battle with the dragon. The patroon's face was dark, unsmiling. "To appease him the wise men of the tribe sacrificed a pure maiden on the rocky bluff you see above you." Miranda's laughter died. Something in Nicholas Van Ryn's cruel, handsome features made her imagine herself in the Indian maiden's place.

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    You must practice until you see everything about the entire conflict: the location of the fight, your opponents mind, body and spirit.

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    You owe me. You roasted my father.

    • dragons quotes
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    You’re better than butter upon bacon.” “That’s a good line. Did you learn that from reading Jane Austen?” “No, that’s all Ewan Goodwin.

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    Your foe’s weapons and armor are strong, but the least important aspects of the fight. The weakest part of any enemy is the flesh and blood wearing and wielding the cold, hard steel.

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    You're the one taking all the romance out of this," he said. "It's supposed to go, 'that was so brave, how you stood up for your sister like that!' 'Oh, that, what, no, it's what any dragon would do.' 'No, no - you're special. I can tell.' 'Not as special as you. There's a magic about you I've never found in any other dragon!' 'Why - why do I feel as though I've known you forever?' 'Because you have...and you will.' Fireworks! True love and happiness for the rest of our lives!

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    Your friends are…interesting,” she said, making me snort. “I would hate to see your enemies.” She looked back at me, black eyes assessing. “You did not mention that one of the ‘friends’ you risked your life for was desperately hoping he could rip your head off.” “I was a soldier of the Order,” I said wearily. “He’s the leader of a rogue dragon underground. I’m sure I’ve killed a few of his dragons in the past.”I’m also stupidly in love with the girl he considers his, and we both know it.

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    You see?" Thane waved at the photo. "Everything about her is nonsensical. A dragon who lies with a wolf? I suppose pigs fly and the moon is blue, too.

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    Your people understand the forest: how the animals behave, where to find them, and so on. I want something similar—but instead of the forest as a whole, I want to understand dragons. They are not only here, you know; there are dragons in the savannah—” Mekeesawa nodded. “Well, there are more than that, all over the world. They live in the mountains and on the plains and maybe even in the ocean. I want to know them as you know the creatures of this forest.” “But why?” Mekeesawa asked. His eyes were still merry with laughter, but his question was serious. “You don’t live in all those places.” With the amount of time I have spent traveling in my life, one might make the argument that I do live in all those places, if only temporarily. But Mekeesawa’s point was a good one, and not easily dismissed. The Moulish understood the creatures of the Green Hell because their survival depended on it; my survival did not depend on my traveling the globe to find dragons. (Indeed, it has on more than one occasion nearly been detrimental to my life expectancy.) How could I answer him? Thinking back on the matter now, it is possible my only true answer to that question is now in its second volume, with more to come. These memoirs are not only an accounting of my life; they are an accounting *for* it.

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    You've walked the woods today. Tell me there isna something about this land that doesna take hold of you and sink into your verra soul." Her smile slowly faded. "It did. How did you know?" "You were born here, Iona. You were part of this land, just as it's a part of you. You've been gone a long time, but it still remembers you. You just needed to remember it.

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    You want to give the biggest klutz who ever walked the earth a sailboat? I might run over someone." "Just make sure they deserve it," he answered without missing a beat.

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    You're the Baba Yaga?" He gazed at her in disbelief. "But the Baba Yaga is an ugly old crone, and you're, you're... not!

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    You want to be possessed, but not controlled. You want to be protected, but not smothered. You want to be dominated, but only in one way.

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    You were thinking about the hunky sheriff. I don't blame you. If I weren't a dragon, and a male one at that, I'd be drooling over him myself." He lifted his muzzle to look at her. "So what are you going to do about him?" Baba sighed. "Probably something truly unwise." "Excellent," Chudo-Yudo said. "About time. No one should be wise all the time. Not even a Baba.

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    After all, how can a mere dragon expect to tell a man like yourself what to do? In fact, everyone should stand in awe of your brilliance of finding the only dead end. - Saphira

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    Adrian sifted through the bags and pulled out a slice of coconut cream. "If I were a dragon, this is what I'd go for." I didn't argue, mainly because that statement had no logical argument.

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    Advance our standards, set upon our foes; Our ancient word of courage, fair Saint George, Inspire us with the spleen of fiery dragons!

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    A hero is not a champion of things become, but of things becoming; the dragon to be slain by him is precisely the monster of the status quo.

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    All the drawing lacks is the final touch: To add eyes to the dragon

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    Always remember, it's simply not an adventure worth telling if there aren't any dragons.

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    All was shattered, and all but memory lost, and one memory above all others, of him who brought the Shadow and the Breaking of the World. And him they named Dragon.

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    A man who admires a fine woman, has yet not more reason to wish himself her husband, than one who admired the Hesperian fruit, would have had to wish himself the dragon that kept it.

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    And as an ev'ning dragon came, Assailant on the perched roosts And nests in order rang'd Of tame villatic fowl.

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    And besides . . . I don’t want to leave you. Er, you guys.” He smiled, and it lit up his whole face. “Well, ‘we’ are certainly happy to hear that. Oh, and I’m also happy to watch our darling little love child dragon while you’re in St. Louis.” I grinned back.

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    Always be polite to a dragon. It's harder than it sounds. Dragon etiquette is incredibly complicated, and if you make a mistake, the dragon eats you.

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    And I plan to write a sequel to Dragon Rider.

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    And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the 'Lord of Phosphorus,' and Lucifer, or 'Light-Bearer,' is in us: it is our Mind

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    And over all those sleepy weeks, the dream always ended the same way, with the dragon coming for the princess saying the same words every time.... "Face it, Tally-wa, you're Special.

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    Anyone wanna play Dungeons & Dragons for the next quadrillion years?