Best 156 quotes in «vengeance quotes» category

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    There is no elegance in hate, but there is tremendous beauty in the unintended revenge of living well and being happy.

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    The Revenge and the Vengeance makes you to go forward and forward to do your work... This which was taken, you should take it from them.

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    They say vengeance taken will tear the heart and torment the conscious. If there's any truth to it, then I now know with certainty that the path I'm on is the right one.

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    The tortures of hell are too mild a vengeance for thy crimes.

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    This ends my true account of how I avenged Frank Ross' blood over in Choctaw Nation when snow was on the ground.

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    Though with their high wrongs I am struck to th' quick, Yet with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury Do I take part.

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    Think of what you told me,” Kostya said. “What?” “‘If we get to the end of the course . . . we shall become just like them. And we shall speak their language. Then we’ll take revenge.’” Sasha shook her head. “If we get to the end of this course, we won’t want to take revenge anymore. We’ll become just like them . . . and we’ll want to be like them.

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    To me, many of what seemed to be Bible contradictions only pointed to the grace of Christ. It is not so much a rule book on how to be holy as it is a prophecy of the One who can make you holy. In this, I see God as the least bigoted of all in existence: While men always, in their hearts, delight in vengeance for being wronged, God is the only Being who wants to free you from the penalty of His own laws.

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    Turn your cheek' only works with physical slaps, only works pre-Second coming. Against guns, bombs, and the most inhumane practices ever conceived, we must protect ourselves. We must become the agents of God's vengeance.

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    Vengeance is never an ideal means to deal with any situation.

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    Vengeance in bloom shone in her eyes and smiled on her lips.

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    Vengeance and forgiveness are about reconciling the accounts, but accounting is an ugly description of the tangled ways we're connected. I sometimes think everything comes out even in the end, but an end that arches beyond the horizon, beyond our capacity to perceive or measure, and that in many cases those who trespass against you do so out of a misery that means the punishment preceded and even precipitated the crime. Maybe that's acceptance.

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    Vengeance is a delicious fruit, which must be allowed to ripen in order that it may be fully enjoyed.

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    Vengeance is pointless, but certain men did not have a place in the world we sought to construct

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    Vengeance doesn't taste quite how you imagine it will, even after twenty-five years. It leaves a mark.

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    Wanna know what a bullet feels like, Warren? A real one? It’s not like in the comics…I think you need to. Feel it…It’s not going to make a neat little hole. First - it’ll obliterate your internal organs. Your lung will collapse, feels like drowning…When it finally hits your spine, it’ll blow your central nervous system-…I’m talking. The pain will be unbearable, but you won’t be able to move… A bullet usually travels faster than this, of course. But the dying? It seems like it takes forever. Something, isn’t it? One tiny piece of metal destroys everything. It ripped her insides out… It took her light away. From me. From the world… And now the one person who should be here is gone - and a waste like you gets to live. A tiny piece of metal. Can you feel it now?

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    The wrath of God is never an evil wrath. God gets angry because he loves people like a mother would love her child if someone were to harm it. There is something wrong if the mother never gets angry; it is safe to say that that is the unloving mother.

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    Time will heal all our wounds, vengeance will fix our scars.

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    To quest for vengeance is to be unchanged," she continued. "It is a state, a desire - not an act. The needs of vengeance can stretch for an eternity, always as fresh, as painful as the day they were forged. Destruction, then, is an answer, because destruction promises change. In your mind, you may desire one, but in truth, you long for the other.

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    What I did cannot be forgiven, any more than it could have been avoided.

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    What I'm saying is that it's easy to take the high road so long as there aren't any stakes. But the minute you've got something to lose, a man'll do all sorts of things.

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    Wendy is still dead. I hadn't understood before: it really doesn't bring them back. Somehow, you think, despite what you know, it will be a trade. Find the person who did the wrong thing and they will suffer instead of the one who was killed. Instead, that person just suffers too.

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    What? Why are you making the glee nose? The death of my world is funny? The final vengeance of my people? I will kill you.

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    What violent, good luck you had. When you bought your home you received stolen property, but the blood had dried, the war forgotten, and it seemed your god himself had granted you this land.

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    [W]e need to think twice about raining down vengeance and anger as our default position.

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    When a slave rebels, it is nothing much to the people who read about it later. Just thin words on thinner paper, worn finer by the friction of history. "So you were slaves? So what?" They whisper, like it's nothing. But to the people who live through a slave rebellion, both those who take their dominance for granted, until it comes for them in the dark, and those who would see the world burn before enduring one moment longer in their place. That is not a metaphor, Essun. Not hyperbole. I did watch the world burn. Say nothing to me of innocent bystanders, unearned suffering, heartless vengeance. When a comm builds atop a fault line, do you blame its walls when they inevitably crush the people inside? No; you blame whoever was stupid enough to think they could defy the laws of nature forever. Well, some worlds are built on a fault line of pain, held up by nightmares. Don’t lament when those worlds fall. Rage that they were built doomed in the first place.

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    Yes," said Locke."Yes, Master Ibelius. I'm going to put that fucker in the dirt as deeply as any man who's ever been murdered, ever since the world began.

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    Wronging someone doesn't right them. Leave vengeance. Don't become what you hate. Instead, lead by example.

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    You know where I’m going to be, and you’ll know where I’ve been every step of my way to get there. You’ve made a hobby out of taking things away from me… a lot of them I never even knew to miss, but I know now. I know what you just took, and there’s no way you’re taking anything else from me. It’s time for me to start taking from you,” Wednesday said with a confidence in her voice that even she noticed and was proud to hear. “I thought you said you weren’t running from me anymore,” Klein said with a laugh in his voice. Her face was red, and she felt like she was on fire. She managed, summoning all her will, to keep herself from screaming and instead, keep an even and icy voice. “I’m not, you piece of shit. Now, I’m running at you.

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    You tried to eradicate me using your might, But I am going to live on ... out of spite. Will wait in the shadows ever so slight, And ... when the time is right, Ruin your whole life, like a pestering blight.

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    An evil deed is not redeemed by an evil deed in retaliation.

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    When the ships had lifted, they returned across the river to the silence of death. Then his grandfather told him, "Many fine things your father had planned for you: learning and useful work and a life of satisfaction and peace. Do you recall this?" "Yes, Grandfather." "The learning you shall have. You will learn patience and resource, the ability of your hands and your mind. You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done—so therefore you may never know life of peace. However, I guarantee you ample satisfaction, for I will teach you to crave the blood of these men more than the flesh of woman." The old man had been as good as his word.

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    You cannot take vengeance on a whole people because of the doings of a few wicked men.

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    You know what’s worse than burying your own child? Not burying your own child.

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    You shut your door to these poor women," he said so they could hear him, "and you'll answer for it the rest of your lives. You won't sleep. You'll choke on drinks. The food you eat'll block up your bowels and you'll die of your own shit.

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    You will ever depress the devil if you always love those who spit hatred into your face. The devil loves vengeance and anything contrary to this is an agenda to bring down his temporal kingdom!

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    ... and still I stayed to plan all my revenge, my vengeance against those who had turned me from good to evil, and made of me what I was going to be from this day forward.

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    Any entity capable of intelligently designing something as improbable as Dutchman's Pipe (or a universe) would have to be even more improbable than a Dutchman's Pipe. Far from terminating the vicious regress, God aggravates it with a vengeance.

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    A tardy vengeance shares the tyrant's guilt.

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    A politics of vengeance is not politics. Revenge is a recklessness towards the future in a vain attempt to make the present abolish a suffering which is already past.

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    Dare not usurp thy maker's place by giving way to wrath - wrath that goes forth in vengeance; "vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.

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    ...but the tale itself is a trickster and doesn't hesitate to lie. It is anachronistic with a vengeance. It emerges always and everywhere, overt or disguised, pureblood or hybrid, and healthy as sin.

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    Any belief system that is based on fear, encourages weakness, sanctions intolerance threatens vengeance, promotes passivity and requires you to relinquish your personal power is doing you a disservice.

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    Dangerous is wrath concealed. Hatred proclaimed doth lose its chance of wreaking vengeance.

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    He does not start guiltily, as he should, but frowns in annoyance. "Who are you?" I slip my hand through the slit of my overskirt, and my fingers close around the hard wood of the crossbow tiller. "Vengeance," I say softly.

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    For it must be noted, that men must either be caressed or else annihilated; they will revenge themselves for small injuries, but cannot do so for great ones; the injury therefore that we do to a man must be such that we need not fear his vengeance.

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    I am weary of your quarrels, Weary of your wars and bloodshed, Weary of your prayers for vengeance, Of your wranglings and dissensions

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    Die Hard With A Vengeance shooting was a great time, because we had an interesting script. The first script was called Simon Says, and something was going on, because some days we'd get to work, but we wouldn't actually have dialogue. We would go to Bruce's Willis trailer, and they'd say, "Okay, you have to go from 168th Street to 97th Street today. We're going to do it in the cab, and Sam, you say this. Bruce, what do you want to say?" And that's how Bruce's "hey, Zeus!" thing came up.

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    Humans will take a rain forest and lose it and cover it with concrete. They will take the woods and turn it into a parking garage and I am not saying that's bad. I am just saying that's what we do. We occupy the planet with a vengeance. We seek to dominate it.

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    If crimes are committed they must be seen as a disease, and punishment as treatment rather than as social vengeance.