Best 172 quotes in «sad but true quotes» category

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    Because when you're between two shores and no one can see you, you don't really exist at all

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    But at home, that same day he'd jumped into the fountain, he'd gotten so anxious, pacing around the living room listening to his parents try to calm him, that he suddenly just lost it completely and slapped his face. He immediately started crying, confused and guilty, looking up at his parents like he had no idea how it happened. And, really, that's the way it always was with the hitting. It would happen so fast, his body shaking to release the tension that built up from all the thoughts swirling through his mind and all the air he was having trouble breathing and all the loud beating of his own heart ringing in his ears. It had to get out and that was the path it chose. Slap. Instant relief.

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    Books make the best ersatz friendships.

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    But that's the way life goes most of the time: the thing you least count on comes along and ruins everything else you got planned.

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    Canada, the most affluent of countries, operates on a depletion economy which leaves destruction in its wake. Your people are driven by a terrible sense of deficiency. When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can’t eat money.

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    Bye Bye , Father,' I said as the confessional door clicked shut behind me, 'Ah's' eyes following me, wondering, I suppose, what He'd been drinking the day he went and made a twilight zone of a disaster like me.

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    Cinta memang akan selalu menyakitkan. Entah karena kau mencintai terlalu banyak, terlalu lama, atau karena tak bisa mencintai sebanyak dan selama yang kau inginkan….

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    But her greatest assets were her bound feet, called in Chinese "three-inch golden lilies" (san-tsun-gin-lian). This meant she walked "like a tender young willow shoot in a spring breeze," as Chinese connoisseurs of women traditionally put it. The sight of a woman teetering on bound feet was supposed to have an erotic effect on men, partly because her vulnerability induced a feeling of protectiveness in the onlooker.

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    Cinta yang disangkal kelak akan jadi neraka yang harus kau jalani seorang diri.

    • sad but true quotes
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    Cleverness, he thinks, will get you nowhere; it is only the stupid, the brilliantly stupid, who will inherit the earth.

    • sad but true quotes
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    Don’t be deceived when they tell you things are better now. Even if there’s no poverty to be seen because the poverty’s been hidden. Even if you ever got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods which industries foist on you and even if it seems to you that you never had so much, that is only the slogan of those who still have much more than you. Don’t be taken in when they paternally pat you on the shoulder and say that there’s no inequality worth speaking of and no more reason to fight because if you believe them they will be completely in charge in their marble homes and granite banks from which they rob the people of the world under the pretence of bringing them culture. Watch out, for as soon as it pleases them they’ll send you out to protect their gold in wars whose weapons, rapidly developed by servile scientists, will become more and more deadly until they can with a flick of the finger tear a million of you to pieces.

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    Death, as has been established, holds little fear - it is but the flesh. The mind is the source of what we are, and it was the mind that they were determined to destroy.

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    Don't fall for the ones who say, I am always yours. They are liars, unfortunately humans too

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    Death was an unfeeling bitch.It didnt matter who you were, who loved you, it struck mercilessly and without discrimination

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    Flowery tongues have thorny throats.

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    Es como si viviera bajo el cielo gris de nubes cargadas de lluvia. Están ahí arriba, sobre mi cabeza, conteniéndose, esperando para liberar toda su furia... Y sé que tiene que ocurrir. Sólo tengo que ser paciente, sobrevivir en este espacio gris que es mi hogar y mi mundo. Algún día, en algún momento, la tormenta estallará. Y yo abriré los brazos y miraré al cielo, dejaré que el agua me empate... y seré libre por fin.

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    Greed knows no boundaries

    • sad but true quotes
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    Hanya karena lo mencintai seseorang dengan sepenuh hati, bukan berarti orang itu akan membalas dengan cinta yang sama besarnya.

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    Happiness is an option, while sadness is not.

    • sad but true quotes
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    Healthy relationships, even those that eventually end with breakups, aren’t a mistake. They’re a chance to grow and learn, about who you are, who you want to be, what kind of relationships are worth your time and energy. I hate this assumption that when people end a romantic relationship they leave a piece of their heart behind, they shatter and will be unable to offer their next partner their whole, pure self. People aren’t puzzles or vases. People have an endless capacity both to learn and to love. People also aren’t property. They do not become less valuable or tarnished by use.

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    Figure it out. Work a lifetime to pay off a house. You finally own it, and there's nobody to live in it.

    • sad but true quotes
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    Gue tahu lo punya kekuatan untuk menyembuhkan patah hati lo sendiri. Tapi gue nggak akan membiarkan lo melakukannya seorang diri. Always remember that.

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    Gue memang kecewa dengan sikap lo tempo hari. But that’s okay. Gue ambil positifnya aja: lo memang nggak nerima cinta gue, tapi lo juga nggak nolak gue. Jadi, gue putuskan untuk nggak menyerah tentang kita.

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    Hanya dalam hitungan menit, hanya dengan beberapa patah kata percakapan, semua yang mati-matian berusaha aku lupakan, datang kembali seperti arus deras dari arah hulu.

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    Hawke was quiet for so long that I didn’t think he’d answer but then he finally looked at me. “If you could have a few more minutes with your parents, your brother, even knowing you were still going to lose them, would you want them…the minutes, I mean?” I nodded.

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    He held the door open for me and I walked past him, leaving my conscience on the porch. It curled up next to my principles.

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    He is the happiest guy of the town, Every night after closing the door of his room, He puts his smiling mask on the table.

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    He strode with the weight of robbed innocence and a stolen childhood, for a life time of pain and anger, of terror and death." - Frank Balenger

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    His blank face communicated an emptiness that could never be filled" - Frank Balenger

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    hide your feelings, hide you thoughts, hide your self from the world but dont hide you from you cause only you know where you stand & the world's knows nothing

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    He was a God who observed without intervening in this hell he created" -Carlisle

    • sad but true quotes
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    How many infants are born each day - innocent, sweet, boundless - only to be ruined by the very people who have given them life?

    • sad but true quotes
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    I am still a naive to happiness.

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    I am so obsessed with my life that the books I used to read are resting in the bookshelf for years and my soul is dying in the arms of my life.

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    I asked Raghav, as we were looking over the wasteland, if the Muslims they burnt would beg for their lives. "Yes they would say, Have mercy on us. But we were filled with such hate; we had Radhabi Chawl on our minds. And even if there was one who said, Let him go, there would be ten others saying, No kill him. And so we had to kill him. "But what if he was innocent?" Raghav looked at me. "His biggest crime was that he was Muslim.

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    I always thought that we would be that couple in the movies but not all movies have a happy ending

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    I always have the perfect love but i don't always have the perfect ending

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    If Hollywood was a Republican town, Weinstein would still be president, and he'd still be molesting women.

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    I don't have a story," I said. "I'm still waiting for one.

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    I collect my thoughts, I choose my words, Whenever I decide to talk to you. But... I feel like a dumb, without a tongue, Whenever I reach in front of you. I wonder why it happens to me? even when my feelings are genuine and true.

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    If you are eager to find the reason I became the Kvothe they tell stories about, you could look there, I suppose." Chronicler's forehead wrinkled. "What do you mean, exactly?" Kvothe paused for a long moment, looking down at his hands. "Do you know how many times I've been beaten over the course of my life?" Chronicler shook his head. Looking up, Kvothe grinned and tossed his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug. "Neither do I. You'd think that sort of thing would stick in a person's mind. You'd think I would remember how many bones I've had broken. You'd think I'd remember the stitches and bandages." He shook his head. "I don't. I remember that young boy sobbing in the dark. Clear as a bell after all these years." Chronicler frowned. "You said yourself that there was nothing you could have done." "I could have," Kvothe said seriously, "and I didn't. I made my choice and I regret it to this day. Bones mend. Regret stays with you forever.

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    If something's permanent, it's definitely not love.

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    If you really loved her then you could never hate her, even if you gave it your best

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    If you care about something enough, its going to make you cry.

    • sad but true quotes
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    I have suffered a loss, Forrest, far greater than my legs. It's my spirit, my soul, if you will. There is only a blank there now - medals where my soul used to be.

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    If they weren't staring at a fellow, they were laughing at him.

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    Il suo volto era disegnato da un'estesa ragnatela di sconfitte - a suggerire che al di sotto del collo viveva un parassita che con graduale intenzionalità divorava gli elementi che negli esseri umani si aggregano per generare soddisfazione e appagamento. Era graziosa, lineamenti sobri, occhi distanti, il naso forte e diritto, ma più la guardavo più mi ricordava un vaso greco o romano andato in pezzi e riassemblato. Se pure ne ammiravi la bellezza e l'eleganza della fattura, lo sguardo continuava a tornare sulle giunture e le crepe riempite con qualche oscura sostanza coesiva, sui manici mancanti e sui buchi. Riconoscere la persona che la signora Park era stata prima di incontrare il signor Park richiedeva uno sforzo di immaginazione.

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    I got my heart checked, report says it's perfectly normal, there is no trace of love in it

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    I met death for the last time realizing that he, the creature I called, it because I did not want to believe came for me... Collecting.