Best 983 quotes in «intuition quotes» category

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    We all have an inner teacher, an inner guide, an inner voice that speaks very clearly but usually not very loudly. That information can be drowned out by the chatter of the mind and the pressure of day-to-day events. But if we quiet down the mind, we can begin to hear what we're not paying attention to. We can find out what's right for us.

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    We are all born with extraordinary powers of imagination, intelligence, feeling, intuition, spirituality, and of physical and sensory awareness. For the most part, we use only a fraction of these powers, and some not at all.

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    We are born intuitive, which is why for most people, their intuition is actually the source of their greatest suffering.

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    We all have spiritual DNA; wisdom and truth are part of our genetic structure even if we don't always access it.

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    We #fear our intuitions because we fear the transformational power within our revelations.

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    We are learning to work with intuition, which actually is Soul giving us gentle guidance to make our life better.

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    We call our intuition our sixth sense, but in reality it would be called our first sense, because it's rooted in quantum nature of reality. It was around long before our solar system and our planetary system were even formulated or even organized. It is at the basis of how our normal sensing works. So instead of being our sixth sense or even â€" using the parapsychological term â€" "extrasensory perception," it's not. It's at the basis of our perception, and that's the quantum world.

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    We know nothing until intuition agrees.

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    We must be born with an intuition of mortality.

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    We must be born with an intuition of mortality. Before we know the word for it. Before we know that there are words. Out we come, bloodied and squalling, with the knowledge that for all the points of the compass, there's only one direction. And time is its only measure.

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    Well-bred instinct meets reason halfway

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    We're finally becoming aware of a process that has been unconscious since human experience began. From the start, humans have perceived a Birth Vision, and then after birth have gone unconscious, aware of only the vaguest of intuitions. At first in the early day of human history, the distance between what we intended and what we actually accomplished was very great, and then, over time, the distance has closed. Now we're the verge of remembering everything.

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    Well, intuition isn't much help in police work. Facts are what we need.

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    What distinguishes - in both senses of that word - contemplation is rather this: it is a knowing which is inspired by love. "Without love there would be no contemplation." Contemplation is a loving attainment of awareness. It is intuition of the beloved object.

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    We use intuition as a way to connect with our Divine Self.

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    What is now reason was formerly impulse or instinct.

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    What's better, a poetic intuition or an intellectual work? I think they complement each other.

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    What was tortuously secured by complex argument becomes widely shared intuition, so obvious that we forget its provenance. We don’t see it, because we see with it.

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    When I get logical, and I don't trust my instincts - that's when I get in trouble.

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    When intuition and logic agree, you are always right.

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    When we decide to take back our own power, we discover that the true solver of problems is intuition, not reason.

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    When we’re courageous enough to be with what scares us, we can awaken our intuition and create a new path for healing.

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    When you trust and act on your intuition, you increase your self-esteem, build trust in yourself and experience a profound sense of security that no relationship or amount of money will ever give you.

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    We're receiving information from all the planes of our consciousness all the time, but we don't acknowledge their existence; we treat the information as static, as noise.This is quotes copyright © By Pumpkin Limited

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    What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.

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    What is peculiar in the life of a man consists not in his obedience, but his opposition, to his instincts. In one direction or another he strives to live a supernatural life.

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    When I began in 1960, individuality wasn't an accepted thing to look for; it was about species-specific behaviour. But animal behaviour is not hard science. There's room for intuition.

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    When I'm directing, I can look at something that I wrote and say, "This doesn't make sense." There's a lot more intuition and gut involved.

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    When the rational mind is shut off, we have the possibility of intuition.

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    When you live your life acting upon your deepest intuitions, no decision you ever make in life will be feared or a risk.

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    Whether we had a (good) moral intuition more developed, we would be as much morally disgusted by the rapacity of those who try to benefit from, and monopolize (or secure or corner), having no consideration (regardless or irrespective of) for others ("autrui", Fr.), than we physically are by a sickening (or nauseating) smell.

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    Without intuition there would be no vision of future possibilities.

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    Women observe subconsciously a thousand little details, without knowing they are doing so. Their subconscious mind adds these little things together - and they call the result intuition.

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    Women have millions of years of genetically-enc oded intelligences, intuitions, capacities, knowledges, powers, and cellular knowings of exactly what to do with the infant.

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    Work incessantly, cultivate discrimination, gather freedom from your own hard-earned results. Disregard successes but go back for help in an immediate problem. The possibility of discovery is everywhere. Freedom from your own work allows for intuition that draws from all your experience and perception but goes beyond it.

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    You cannot overestimate the role of intuition in fiction writing. Or the role of accident or randomness. These things are very central. This is never really admitted. You have to cover the pages. You have to have those people do things. And the things they do have to be relevant to the entire concern. The specific things they do don't much matter, you just have to have them do something that counts.

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    Whether you consider me a master filmmaker or not, I do it with my intuition and my vision, my experience as a storyteller.

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    Would you trust the linguistic intuitions of someone who has been studying Latin or Greek for three days?

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    You are using your own moral intuitions to authenticate the wisdom of the Bible - and then, in the next moment, you assert that we human beings cannot possibly rely upon our own intuitions to rightly guide us in the world.

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    You have to choose the move that feels right sometimes; that's what intuition is.

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    You get your intuition back when you make space for it, when you stop the chattering of the rational mind. The rational mind doesn't nourish you. You assume that it gives you the truth, because the rational mind is the golden calf that this culture worships, but this is not true. Rationality squeezes out much that is rich and juicy and fascinating.

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    You must believe in your own instincts and your own instincts at any particular time and believe that they were the right ones for any given situation. So, there's no point ever of kind of regretting something because you can't properly remember the exact circumstances in which you were playing out this particular scene. You have to believe in your intuition and your instinct at that moment.

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    You must trust your instinct, intuition and judgment.

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    Your intuition will most likely push you gently toward taking some appropriate risks and trying new things.

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    Zen is the enemy of analysis, the friend of intuition. The Zen artist understands the ends of his art intuitively, and the last thing he would do is create categories; the avowed purpose of Zen is to eliminate categories! The true Zen-man holds to the old Taoist proverb, Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.

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    You get your confidence and intuition back by trusting yourself, by being militantly on your own side. ... Don't look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just dance.

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    You must have - besides intuition and sensitivity - a cutting edge that allows you to reach what you need. Also, you have to know life - bastards included - and it takes a bit of one to know one, don't you think?

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    Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life itself offers you, and you must know with intuition when to click the camera.

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    Your intuition is not the same thing as your mind. In fact, intuition is really the opposite of your mind - and you need to use BOTH in living your day-to-day life.

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    A balanced diet” is not so much about protein/fat/carbohydrate ratios. The real ratios to consider, at least for the typical American or European, are energy consumption/expenditure, pleasure/actual need, food/everything else.