Best 92 quotes in «hamlet quotes» category

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    Ivanov: No, my clever young thing, it's not a question of romance. I say as before God that I will endure everything - depression and mental illness and ruin and the loss of my wife and premature old age and loneliness - but I cannot tolerate, cannot endure being ridiculous in my own eyes. I'm dying of shame at the thought that I, a healthy, strong man, have turned into some sort of Hamlet or Manfred, some sort of 'superfluous man'... devil knows precisely what! There are pitiful people who are flattered by being called Hamlet or superfluous men, but for me it's a disgrace! It stirs up my pride, I'm overcome by shame and I suffer...

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    Many terribly quiet customers exist but none more terribly quiet than Man his footsteps pass so perilously soft across the sea in marble winter up the stiff blue waves and every Tuesday down he grinds the unastonishable earth with horse and shatter shatters too the cheeks of birds and traps them in his forest headlights salty silvers roll into his net, he weaves it just for that, this terribly quiet customer he dooms animals and mountains technically by yoke he makes the bull bend, the horse to its knees...

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    Mes turime kalbėtis, sverdami kiekvieną žodelį, nes, kitaip, žūsime nuo dviprasmiškumo.

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    I will have the children read Hamlet as soon as it is practical. There are some useful cautions against eavesdropping to be gleaned from that.

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    Morir es dormir... y tal vez soñar.

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    More grief to hide than hate to utter love. Polonius, Hamlet.

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    My father's brother, but no more like my father Than I to Hercules.

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    Mad I call it, for to define true madness, what is't to be nothing else but mad?

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    Não sejas tu, como certos pastores sem virtude, que indicam às suas ovelhas o caminho escarpado e espinhoso que conduz ao céu, enquanto eles, libertinos, fogosos e sem pudor, trilham o caminho das flores, da licença, e são a antítese das suas palavras.

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    Mother, you have my father much offended.

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    No I am not Prince Hamlet nor was meant to be Am an attendant lord one that will do To swell a progress start a scene or two Advise the prince no doubt an easy tool Deferential glad to be of use Politic cautious and meticulous Full of high sentence but a bit obtuse At times indeed almost ridiculous— Almost at times the Fool. I grow old … I grow old … I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled. Shall I part my hair behind Do I dare to eat a peach I shall wear white flannel trousers and walk upon the beach. I have heard the mermaids singing each to each. I do not think that they will sing to me. I have seen them riding seaward on the waves Combing the white hair of the waves blown back When the wind blows the water white and black. We have lingered in the chambers of the sea By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown Till human voices wake us and we drown.

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    Not that I think you did not love your father; ut that I know love is begun by time; and that I see, in passages of proof, time quilifies the spark and fire of it. There lives within the ery flame of love a kind of wick or snuff that will abate it; and nothing is at a like goodness still; for goodnes, growing to a plurisy, dies in his own too much: that we would do, we should do when we would; for this "would" changes and hath abatements and delays as many as tere are tongues, are hands, are accidents; and then this "should" is like a spendthrift sigh, that hurts by easing. But, to the quick o' the ulcer: what would you undertake, to show yourself your father's son in deed more than in words?

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    OFELIA. ¡Qué corto ha sido! HAMLET. Como cariño de mujer.

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    My Lord, the tale begins with a ghost... - Prince of Sorrows

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    O good Horatio, what a wounded name, Things standing thus unknown, shall live behind me! If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart Absent thee from felicity awhile, And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, To tell my story. . . O, I die, Horatio;

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    porque a noite é noite, o dia é dia, e o tempo é tempo, seria perder sem proveito a noite, o dia e o tempo; por isso, visto que a concisão é a alma do espirito, emquanto que a prolixidade é só o corpo ou o involucro exterior, serei breve

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    Perfume de un momento nada más.

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    Prête l'oreille à tous, mais tes paroles au petit nombre. Prends l'opinion de chacun ; mais réserve ton jugement. (Polonius, Acte I, Scène III)

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    ...O, woe is me, To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!

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    POLONIUS My lord, the queen would speak with you, and presently. HAMLET Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a camel? POLONIUS By th'mass, and 'tis like a camel indeed. HAMLET Methinks it is like a weasel. POLONIUS It is backed like a weasel. HAMLET Or like a whale? POLONIUS Very like a whale. HAMLET Then I will come to my mother by and by. - They fool me to the top of my bent. - I will come by and by.

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    Scholars don't have blood flowing in their veins," said Hamlet. "When they're wounded, they bleed logic, and when all of it is gone, their brains die, and they become ... soldiers.

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    Sabemos lo que somos ahora, pero no lo que podemos ser.

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    Shakespeare’s woes and concerns are all human and can be easily perceived by any reader regardless of religious, ethnic, or educational backgrounds. To him, human vices are not only odious but pathetic as well. Hypocrisy irks him tremendously, and he is sharply aware of its stings when he says: “God has given you one face, and you make yourself another” (Hamlet 3.1.).

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    ¿Quién podría tolerar tanta opresión, sudando gimiendo bajo el peso de una vida molesta si no fuese que el temor de que existe alguna cosa más allá de la Muerte (aquel país desconocido de cuyos límites ningún caminante torna) nos embaraza en dudas y nos hace sufrir los males que nos cercan; antes que ir a buscar otros de que no tenemos seguro conocimiento?

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    Shaq pe hai yaqeen unko, Yaqeen pe hai shaq Mujhy..... .....Kis ka jhoot jhoot hai, Kis ke sach main sach nahi, Hai ke hai nahi, Bas yehi sawaal hai, Aur sawaal ka jawaab bhi, Sawaal hai..... .....Dil ki gar sunoon to hai, Dimaag ki to hai nahi, Jaan loon ke jaan doon, Main rahoon ke main nahi!!

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    She is so conjunctive to my life and soul, that, as the star moves not but in his sphere, I could not but by her.

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    Si a los hombres se les hubiese juzgado según merecen, ¿quién se escaparía de ser azotado?

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    Si el hombre, al terminar su vida, ignora siempre lo que podría ocurrir después, ¿qué importaría que la pierda tarde o presto?

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    such wanton, wild, and usual slips/ As are companions noted and most known/ To youth and liberty.

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    There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray, love, remember; and there is pansies, that’s for thoughts... There’s fennel for you, and columbines; there’s rue for you, and here’s some for me; we may call it herb of grace o’ Sundays. O, you must wear your rue with a difference. There’s a daisy. I would give you some violets, but they wither’d all when my father died. They say he made a good end,— [Sings.] “For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy.

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    Something smelled rotten in Denmark. The odor lilted more rank than the slimy cabbage leaves and maggot-boiling mutton discarded in a heap behind the royal kitchen, or more than the moldy cheesed breath of Orrick, the tavern owner in the village, when he blasted a laugh between the yellow posts of his teeth. The putrid aroma drifted on the wind like the blasts of winter, permeating the stone walls of Elsinore Castle in a hard, cold, bitter wetness, and growing along the dark corridors, spreading and eating away at the peace of the entire Kingdom and her inhabitants. - Prince of Sorrows

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    The time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!

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    There is more in the world than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Doctor - or in the Merck Manual.

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    Te ruego que recites el pasaje tal como te lo he declamado yo,con soltura y naturalidad,pues si lo haces a voz en grito,como acostumbran muchos de nuestros actores,valdría más que diera mis versos a que los voceara el pregonero . Guardate también de aserrar demasiado el aire,así con la mano. Moderación en todo,pues hasta en medio del mismo torrente,tempestad y aún podría decir to torbellino de tu pasión,debes tener y mostrar aquella templanza que hace suave y elegante la expresión. ¡Oh! me hiere el alma oir desgarrar una pasión hasta convertirla en jirones y verdaderos guiñapos,hediendo los oídos de los "mosqueteros" que por lo general,son incapaces apreciar otra cosa que incomprensibles pantomimas y barullo. De buena gana mandaría azotar a ese energúmeno por exagerar el tipo de Termagante....¡¡Esto es ser más herodista que Herodes...!¡ Evitalo tú,por favor! No seas tampoco demasiado tímido;en ésto tu propia discreción debe guiarte. Que la acción corresponda a la palabra y la palabra a la acción,poniendo un especial cuidado en no traspasar los límites de la sencillez de la naturaleza,porque todo lo que a ella se opone ,se aparta igualmente del propio fin del arte dramático,cuyo objeto, tanto en su origen como en los tiempos que corren,ha sido y es ,presentar,por decirlo así,un espejo a la Humanidad ; Mostrar a la virtud sus propios rasgos,al vicio su verdadera imgen y a cadaedad y generación su fisonomía y sello caraterístico . De donde resulta que si se carga la expresión o si esta languidece,por más que ello haga reir a los ignorantes,no podrá menos de disgustar a los discretos ,cuyo dictamen,aunque se trate de un solo hombre,debe pesar más en vuestra estima que el de todo un público compuesto de los otros. ¡Oh! cómicos hay a quienes he visto representar y a los que he oído elogiar ,y en alto grado,que, por no decirlo en malos términos, no teniendo ni acento ni traza de cristianos,de gentiles,ni tan siquiera de hombres,se pavoneaban y vociferaban de tal modo que llegué a pensar si proponiéndose algún mal artífice de la Naturaleza formar tal casta de hombres,le resultaron unos engendros: ¡Tan abominablemente imitaban la Humanidad! ¡Oh! Corregidlo del todo! y no permitáis que los que hacen de graciosos ejecuten más de lo que les esté indicado,porque alguno de ellos empiezan a dar risotadas para hacer reir a unos cuantos espectadores imbéciles,aún cuando en aquel preciso momento algún punto esencial de la pieza reclame la atención. Esto es indigno,y revela en los insensatos que lo practican la más estúpida pretensión.Id a prepararos

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    The theatre is a tragic place, full of endings and partings and heartbreak. You dedicate yourself passionately to something, to a project, to people, to a family, you think of nothing else for weeks and months, then suddenly it's over, it's perpetual destruction, perpetual divorce, perpetual adieu. It's like éternel retour, it's a koan. It's like falling in love and being smashed over and over again.’ 'You do, then, fall in love.’ 'Only with fictions, I love players, but actors are so ephemeral. And then there’s waiting for the perfect part, and being offered it the day after you've committed yourself to something utterly rotten. The remorse, and the envy and the jealousy. An old actor told me if I wanted to stay in the trade I had better kill off envy and jealousy at the start.

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    They are near the bottom of the food chain - a meal for fish and birds - while humans eat from the top of the food chain, consuming an astonishing array of what lies on the planet. But eventually, even we become food for the worms. Shakespeare saw this connection, writing in Hamlet, "A man may fish with a worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of a fish that hath fed of that worm.

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    This place looks like the last scene in Hamlet.

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    They say an old man is twice a child

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    They waited, none of them entirely convinced that the old man wouldn't appear before them again like the ghost of Hamlet's father or Jacob Marley or some other...

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    To every corner of the planet, to the young and old, to all humanity. I see your beauty. I really do.

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    To each our own Hamlet.

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    To be, or not to be: that is the question. That’s from Hamlet’s - maybe Shakespeare’s - most famous soliloquy. […] But what if Shakespeare - and Hamlet - were asking the wrong question? What if the real question is not whether to be, but how to be?

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    We all still show too little respect for nature, which in Leonardo's deep words recalling Hamlet's speech "is full of infinite reasons which never appeared in experience." Every one of us human beings corresponds to one of the infinite experiments in which these "reasons of nature" force themselves into experience.

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    We defy augury. There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come—the readiness is all. Since no man, of aught he leaves, knows what is't to leave betimes, let be. (Hamlet 5.2.217-224)

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    what a silly, frail, and forward pieces are the best of men (647)!

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    We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us.

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    And these few precepts in thy memory Look thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue, Nor any unproportioned thought his act. Be thou familiar but by no means vulgar. Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel, But do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new-hatched, unfledged comrade.

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    Well said, old mole!

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    Who would fardels bear, To groan and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus, conscience does make cowards of us all;

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    Act – make an event. Smash the coordinates and see where the smithereens fly. Let in the madness, and be sure to be a danger to oneself and others. Too much thinking turns you into that fool Hamlet.