Best 231 quotes in «dramatic quotes» category

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    I'm a fan of half-hour shows that can be both funny and dramatic.

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    I'm a history buff, and right now we're sitting on one of the most dramatic historical shifts that this planet has ever seen and we have a front row seat for it.

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    I'm seventy-one now, so it's hard to imagine a dramatic change.

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    I'm developing some other things in other genres, including one dramatic piece. So, anything's possible.

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    Inner silence works from the moment you begin to accrue it. What the old sorcerers were after was the final dramatic, end result of reaching that individual threshold of silence.

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    I'm unbelievably claustrophobic, and I have really bad anxiety. There were a few moment when I was very dramatic and thought, 'I'm not going to live through this. I'm going to hyperventilate and just die. Right here in jail.'

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    Improvisation in general is good, and improvising material into themes, turning the material into something codified and repeatable, taught me scenic structure and dramatic gambits that work and things that are appealing both as a performer and an audience member, like you know, what does "want" really mean in a scene, and how do you achieve your want, and how is that expressed, and how do you achieve closure? Those are all things that I learned performing at the cabaret after just doing the same scenes over and over and over again over the years, with my own ability to change.

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    I really look for peak experiences and dramatic material that can allow peak experiences.

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    Insincerity in a man's own heart must make all his enjoyments, all that concerns him, unreal; so that his whole life must seem like a merely dramatic representation.

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    I really think the biopic thing so rarely works, because peoples lives dont have a dramatic shape that can be satisfying.

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    In the space of a decade, China and India have emerged as dramatic, dynamic competitors.

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    I really think that you can extract a lot of comedy out of really dramatic, intense situations.

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    I started to really enjoy the fact that [princess] Margaret was an exhibitionist. Even on a day-to-day basis, Margaret's costumes were always so much more dramatic and bold than Elizabeth's were.

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    It belongs among the refinements of totalitarian government in our century that they don't permit their opponents to die a great, dramatic martyr's death for their convictions.

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    I think poets are much more dramatic, more theatrical than fiction writers.

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    Is that what I wanted? To be in the middle of something complicated and dramatic? To be a cheerleader for someone else’s romance? Or to have a romance of my own?

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    I think I'm a better comedic actress than I am a dramatic actress, but everybody believes I'm this dramatic actress and I'll take it.

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    I try not to be too plot-heavy and to balance the dramatic with the comedic.

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    It's obvious throughout secular and church history that significant legislation follows only after dramatic action.

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    It seems that, notwithstanding the dramatic increases in manmade CO2 emissions over the last decade, the world's warming has stopped.

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    It was obvious that computers were going to become more a part of our lives, and they will continue to unless something dramatic happens to change that.

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    I've always liked the idea of taking old dramatic ideas and devices and making them feel relevant or contemporary or whatever.

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    I think when smallpox was eliminated, the whole world got pretty excited about that because it’s just such a dramatic success.

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    It's those little daily incidents of life that are dramatic, and if you put a frame around it , suddenly they become much bigger and much more important than you ever imagined.

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    I usually like to make really dramatic songs that are dynamic from part to part - a lot of jumping from really quiet to really loud.

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    I've always thought that comedy was just another dramatic expression.

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    I've never done theater professionally. But I went to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, so I did some theater there.

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    I've been trying to get away from physical violence; it's too easy; it doesn't satisfy me artistically to work with it. Dramatic violence is much more interesting, but it's much more difficult.

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    I wanted to have a good relationship. One that's romantic and dramatic, like in the movies. But I finally became a woman at 17 and learned that men aren't really that simple.

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    I was really more interested in dramatic work, but I thought, 'Well, I guess I could do comedy.

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    I was so astonished that I could think of nothing to say, but wondered irrelevantly if I was to be caught with a teapot in my hand on every dramatic occasion.

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    I was so frustrated with my whole life that I walked up this hilltop and screamed at the heavens. It was very dramatic - but then again, I am an actress - and I said, "Fine! I'll be a character actress! Just tell me what you want me to do!" I was so angry at the universe.

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    I would love to do a dramatic comedy. All of that, it all interests me. At some point I want to do my 'Monster,' like Charlize Theron, so I'm buckling up for that.

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    Liberia is not at the center of a massive geopolitical game. Afghanistan is and has always been. The history is dramatic, the politics are dramatic, the landscape is incredibly dramatic.

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    Life under a good government is rarely dramatic; life under a bad government is always so.

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    Memory is dramatic present tense. You create it as you remember it.

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    My change from girl to boy was far less dramatic than the distance anybody travels from infancy to adulthood.

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    I've done a ton of theater work and dramatic work, but nobody really knows me that way.

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    I was always looking for the most dramatic emphasis. One example would be the letter writing, or the reading of the letters. If you remember from the book, they find the letters and then in the most undramatic way they take them downstairs, they get approval, they sit at a table during the day with their own author, across from each other.

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    I would love to work with Tom Hardy. Maybe do something crazy or dramatic that is different for me.

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    Jessica Lange in Frances... was dramatic and passionate and one of the strongest performances I've seen a woman do

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    Like behind the car or in the pub, to do a scene, a proper nice dramatic scene, it's always a treat. And they're usually shot as one, so you've got a big chunk of dialogue to learn, and you feel like you're working.

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    Lyda was an exuberant, even a dramatic gardener.... She was always holding up a lettuce or a bunch of radishes with an air of resolute courage, as though she had shot them herself.

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    Lynching is an important aspect of racial history and racial inequality in America, because it was visible, it was so public, it was so dramatic, and it was so violent.

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    Man is lyrical, woman epic, marriage dramatic.

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    Music from my iPod was setting my life to a dramatic soundtrack that only I could hear.

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    My grandmother had the most dramatic effect on my life because she set me in one direction, and I had to go back the other direction for my sanity, and for my ability to be a social human being.

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    My mother loves me and everything goes well. I have no conflict with her, so that's not dramatic.

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    My spirituality is parochial, terrestrial. I do qualify as a W.I.T.C.H. , but my irrecular practice and impromptu rituals don't aim at producing any dramatic results except, perhaps, in me.

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    Not all of them, but certainly there's some really, really dramatic differences among apples. And what you learn if you have that number of varieties is you learn which Apple is good for which purpose. So I have a favorite apple for apple pie. It's called Bramley Seedling. It's a old British Apple. I blend a lot of these apples together that make apple cider every year. It's a great hobby, but it's, you know, it takes some time. And it can be frustrating when the Japanese beetles or the gypsy moths come.