Best 286 quotes in «stealing quotes» category

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    The difference between a thief and a congressman: When a thief steals your money, he doesn't expect you to thank him.

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    The immature artist imitates. The mature artist steals.

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    The Frier preached against stealing, and had a goose in his sleeve.

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    The most authentic and hallowed Wiccan tradition is stealing from any source that didn't run away too fast

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    The flag of your nation - wave it! Begin to separate your nation from whatever covenant your forefathers must have had. Break the covenant of corruption/ stealing/ killing/ destruction/ idolatry - break it right now!

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    The number one rule of thieves is that nothing is too small to steal.

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    The only way you can get good, unless you're a genius, is to copy. That's the best thing. Just steal.

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    There are moments of life that we never forget, which brighten and brighten as time steals away.

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    There's life for you. Spend the best years of your life studying penmanship and rhetoric and syntax and Beowulf and George Eliot, and then somebody steals your pencil.

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    The only way I can stop people from stealing is also not to steal myself, and it's one of the most difficult things.

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    There’s a lot for screenwriters to steal from songwriters, in terms of getting to the point.

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    The thief you must fear the most is not the one who steals mere things.

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    The sweetest hunts are stolen. To steal a hunt, either go far into the wilderness where no one has been, or else find some undiscovered place under everybody's nose

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    There will always be music on the Internet that people can steal. What's new is not theft. What's new is a distribution channel for stolen property called the Internet. So there will always be illegal music on the Internet.

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    The woman who steals your boyfriend has the ugliest shoes on earth. Truly hideous. You wouldn't be caught dead in them.

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    The trick is to steal big.

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    Thou shalt not steal unless thou hast a majority vote in Congress.... I'm healthy; subsidized prescription drugs won't do me much good. I'd be willing to forego my prescription drugs if Congress would force some young American to mow my lawn.

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    This is the truth: I'm into sales. I love deals. I'm definitely a sucker for steals.

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    Time steals away without any inconvenience.

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    To England will I steal, and there I'll steal.

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    Try to learn as fast as you can from the wizards and then steal what you can appropriate from them and use it to modernize your existing business model (without disrupting it).

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    Thieves for their robbery have authority When judges steal themselves.

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    Thou shall not steal, even by majority vote.

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    Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry.

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    Time talks behind our back. To our face it's friendly and logical, never hesitating to give more of itself. But when we're not looking, it steals our lives and says bad things about us to the parts of us it's stolen

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    To borrow scarce is better than to beg; As lending, lending upon interest, Scarce better is than stealing.

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    We all steal, but if we're smart we steal from great directors. Then, we can call it influence.

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    We are no longer inheriting the Earth from our parents, we are stealing it from our children.

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    We have all the cards. Because we're like the piggy bank that everybody keeps stealing from. But pretty soon we're not going to be piggy bank anymore. We're going to be the opposite of the piggy bank.

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    We are the only animals who steal and drink the milk from other species.

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    We are obliged to steal pieces of language, both visual and textual.

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    We know hackers steal people's identities and infiltrate private e-mails. We know foreign countries and companies swipe our corporate secrets.

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    We steal if we touch tomorrow. It is God's.

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    We were language's magpies by nature, stealing whatever sounded bright and shiny.

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    Whatever is stealing your peace and rocking your boat, what ever is taking your smile away, reach down, pick it up, and throw it overboard.

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    When we went up against teams that were better, I just hoped that we could steal the victories.

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    We're living in a world that says that if you engage in mass fraud, you'll be rewarded, but if you go down the street and steal an orange juice, you get arrested.

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    What are you doing? (Amanda) I'm getting into my car. (Kyrian) You own this?! (Amanda) No. I'm stealing it with the key in my hand. (Kyrian)

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    Why did I take up racing? I was too lazy to work and too chicken to steal

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    Where there's property, there's theft.

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    Worry - a God, invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse; it takes away the appetite, and turns the hair gray.

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    When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they're not protesting. They're not making a statement. They're stealing. When they burn down a building, they're committing arson.

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    Yes, my friend, and if you will steal for me then you will steal from me.

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    You can take power from others; you can steal it. It is not a very high-grade power. It will give you a certain amount of access to a better life; but it corrupts the individual.

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    You can steal my women but don't play with my whiskey.

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    You must remember always to give, of everything you have. You must give foolishly even. You must be extravagant. You must give to all who come into your life. Then nothing and no one shall have power to cheat you of anything, for if you give to a thief, he cannot steal from you, and he himself is then no longer a thief. And the more you give, the more you will have to give.

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    You can't steal an artist's songs and also tell him he can't license that music to a commercial.

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    You're creating new things in movies and people are going to steal them.

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    You couldn't beg, borrow, or steal a job in 1931, 1932... it was really tough.

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    99% of all addicts are liars and thieves. This might sound unfair and even close-minded, but it's the truth. There are some exceptions to the rules, but they are incredibly rare. Most people are no match for their addictions. They will be driven to do things they would normally never have considered all in the name of getting high. Sad, but true. So if you're thinking of trying drugs, keep in mind that all the people you will be dealing with are likely to steal from you and lie to you at your own expense.