Best 338 quotes in «going away quotes» category

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    Embarrassment felt a lot like eating chili peppers. It burned in the back of your throat and there was nothing you could do to make it go away. You just had to take it, suffer from it, until it eased off.

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    Even the most Bush-happy, flag suckling jack-arse knows deep-down inside that something is wrong. America is over and everyone knows it. The New World Order has a dying empire odor and changing the channel ain't going to make this go away.

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    Eventually stardom is going to go away from me. It goes away from everybody and all you have in the end is to be able to look back and like the choices you made.

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    Even now, she wished she could write a note, push it across the table, and go away to her room. But she was no longer a Second Assistant Librarian of the Great Library of the Clayr. Those days were gone, vanished with everything else that had defined her previous existence and identity.

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    Explaining something makes it go away, so to speak; what's important is left after you have explained everything else.

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    Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer.

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    Ever step you take is forever. You cant make it go away. None of it. You understand what I'm sayin?

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    Facebook is such a basic utility. It's something that is such a part of peoples' lives, I think it's hard to imagine it going away.

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    Fear doesn't go away but you walk toward fear naked and the gate opens.

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    Fear doesn't go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.

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    For me, if somebody tells me to go away, that is an opportunity for me to give them a better life. And that's an opportunity for me to know and realize where not to be. It's an opportunity for me to see what could be better than being with that person I love.

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    For me, going away to work is the hardest part of my life and career.

    • going away quotes
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    Get out of our schools God, get out of our textbooks God, get out of our government God, go away God, go away God, go away God, Katrina hits, God, where are you?

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    For gypsies do not like to stay - They only come to go away.

    • going away quotes
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    Go away. I told you, I'm not interested." She looked from his lap to his face. "Your nose is growing too.

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    For me, personally, when I'm afraid of something - when you're afraid of something, normally you try to go away, you try to avoid it. Instead of avoiding it, to overcome your fear, I believe you need to embrace it.

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    Go away, dig a hole, do something else, come back and it magically rejuvenates your creative impulses and stuff.

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    Grief is forever. It doesn't go away; it becomes part of you, step for step, breath for breath.

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    Greenmail, in case you're wondering, is when a company pays a raider a premium for his holdings-if he'll go away. What I think it really is is blackmail in a pin-striped suit.

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    Here's a brave old reality, taxes don't go away; raising them never generates revenue, never ever ever.

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    Hispanic gives us all one ultimate paternal cultural progenitor: Spain. The diverse cultures already on the American shores when the Europeans arrived, as well as those introduced because of the African slave trade, are completely obliterated by the term. Hispanic is nothing more than a concession made by the U. S. legislature when they saw they couldn't get rid of us. If we won't go away, why not at least Europeanize us, make us presentable guests at the dinner table, take away our feathers and rattles and civilize us once and for all.

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    He (George W. Bush) should depart. He should go away from the presidency and let the Americans lead an ordinary life with other nations, not a life of aggression, a policy of aggression against other nations. This policy has brought about disasters to the U.S. So for the U.S. to live properly with the world and for the world nations to live in peace, this crazy man should go.

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    Horror has been a genre since the beginning of cinema, all the way back to the days of silent films. I don't think it will ever go away because it's so universal. Humor doesn't always travel to other countries, but horror does.

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    Give me one good reason why I should never make a change, baby if you hold me then all of this will go away.

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    Humility comes from understanding that the obstacles in front of you are not going to go away.

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    I always think the insecurity is going to go away, but it's always there. Only bad writers think they're good.

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    I always hated my hair, so now it's going away.

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    I am always amazed by people who know something is wrong but still insist on ignoring it, as if that will somehow make it go away. They spare themselves the confrontation, but end up boiling in resentment anyway.

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    I am one who believes that we are, in fact, engaged in a worldwide war against terrorism. We must have the serenity to accept the fact that war is not going to go away if we ignore it.

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    I always get very fit if I'm going away filming for two months in Afghanistan or wherever.

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    I can only go places because I know that I can go away from them, if that makes sense. I like the gypsy lifestyle that filming affords.

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    I'd chosen instead to just change my route, go miles out of the way, as if avoiding it would make it go away once and for all.

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    I'd decided to write him and tell him to leave me alone. Please, in a nice way, go away, I really can't deal with you.

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    I didn't want to start relying on what someone else thought was right. It was easier to go away all together.

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    I'd like everybody to be secular. I suppose I have to say politically I would like religion to become gentler and nicer and to stop interfering with other people's lives, stop repressing women, stop indoctrinating children, all that sort of thing. But I really, really would like to see religion go away altogether.

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    I'd be foolish not to take some of opportunities that are coming my way. We all know this can go away at any moment.

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    I do not care if they do not like me," he said. "Maybe then they will let me alone, and I will not have to stay in China." The thought visibly struck him, and his head came up with sudden enthusiasm. "If I were very offensive, do you suppose they would go away now?" he asked. "Laurence, what would be particularly insulting" Hammond looked like Pandora, the box open and horrors loose upon the world. Laurence was inclined to laugh, but he stifled it out of sympathy.

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    I'd like to go away for six months and learn to kiteboard and windsurf. I love pinochle, I love chess and I love windsurfing.

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    I don't feel any pressure to be funny at all. I'm funny because I want to be funny. I could sit here and be serious for an hour and you would go away and make me much funnier than I am.

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    I didn’t get her cutting at all. She’d done it sporadically, ever since the accident and it scared me each time. She'd try to explain it to me, how she didn't want to die—she just needed to get it out somehow. She felt so much emotionally, she would say, that a physical outlet—physical pain—was the only way to make the internal pain go away. It was the only way she could control it.

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    If a guy truly likes you, but for personal reasons he needs to take things slow, he will let you know that immediately. He won’t keep you guessing, because he’ll want to make sure you don’t get frustrated and go away.

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    I don't care about vacations. I go away and I come back real quick because I like my work. I really like my work to consume me.

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    I find it not just strange but almost ridiculous that people could take a song like the one I was doing and interpret it is corroding anything. Folks have the feeling that oftentimes if you don't talk about something it will go away.

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    If I'm intimidated, I shouldn't be directing a movie. I gotta treat 'em as characters, not as stars. It's hard to not treat Marlon Brando as a legend, a star, it's difficult not to treat Robert De Niro as a star, but that had to go away very fast after I knew them, because I had to work with them. I'm the director, I'm the boss. They're looking to me for guidance.

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    If there was any petting to be done...he chose to do it. Often he would sit looking at me, and then, moved by a delicate affection, come and pull at my coat and sleeve until he could touch my face with his nose, and then go away contented.

    • going away quotes
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    If we can remember the feeling of love we once had, we can die without ever going away.

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    If you do not find me funny, that is your problem and I am not going away.

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    If you stay, I'll do whatever you want. I'll quit the band, go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I'll do that, too. I was talking to Liz and she said maybe coming back to your old life would be too painful, that maybe it'd be easier for you to erase us. And that would suck, but I'd do it. I can lose you like that if I don't lose you today. I'll let you go. If you stay.

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    If you want to make information stick, it's best to learn it, go away from it for a while, come back to it later, leave it behind again, and once again return to it - to engage with it deeply across time. Our memories naturally degrade, but each time you return to a memory, you reactivate its neural network and help to lock it in.

    • going away quotes
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    I don't think as highly of myself as some people make me out to be. I am so far from arrogant, because I have been through enough to know that everything can go away in a moment. You know, I really don't understand why anyone would want to put me on a pedestal.