Best 539 quotes in «biblical quotes» category

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    Some people don't want to take time to differentiate between what is mystical and the truth; and what is cultural and biblical. Don't be lazy!

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    Thankfully, life is a journey of progress and not perfection, and we can improve our blurred reflection by taking up the Sword of the Spirit. We can find a healthy dose of just how much God loves us in the Bible and start to have as much respect for ourselves as God has for us.

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    The biblical stories are the greatest sacred-inspirations.

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    The Bible is the most inspired book of all times.

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    The Bible is the philosophy of life.

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    The book was commonly known as the Buggre Alle This Bible. The lengthy compositor's error, if such it may be called, occurs in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 48, verse five. 2. And bye the border of Dan, fromme the east side fo the west side, a portion for Afher. 3. And by the border of Afher, fromme the east side even untoe the west side, a portion for Naphtali. 4. And by the border of Naphtali, from the east side untoe the west side, a portion for Manaffeh. 5. Buggre Alle this for a Larke. I amme sick to mye Hart of typefettinge. Master Biltonn if no Gentelmann, and Master Scagges noe more than a tighte fisted Southwarke Knobbefticke. I telle you, onne a daye laike thif Ennywone withe half and oz of Sense shoulde bee oute in the Sunneshain, ane nott Stucke here alle the liuelong daie inn thif mowldey olde By-Our-Lady Workefhoppe. @ *"Æ@;!* 6. And bye the border of Ephraim, from the east fide even untoe the west fide, a portion for Reuben.* * The Buggre Alle This Bible was also noteworthy for having twenty-seven verses in the third chapter of Genesis, instead of the more usual twenty-four. They followed verse 24, which in the King James version reads: "So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life," and read: 25 And the Lord spake unto the Angel that guarded the eastern gate, saying Where is the flaming sword which was given unto thee? 26 And the Angel said, I had it here only a moment ago, I must have put it down some where, forget my head next. 27 And the Lord did not ask him again.

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    The biblical account of the origin of the cosmos in Genesis, for example, posits that a god created the physical universe particularly with human beings in mind, and so unsurprisingly placed the Earth at the center of creation. Modern cosmological knowledge has refuted such an account. We are living in the golden age of cosmology: More has been discovered about the large-scale structure and history of the visible cosmos in the last 20 years than in the whole of prior human history. We now have precise knowledge of the distribution of galaxies and know that ours is nowhere near the center of the universe, just as we know that our planetary system has no privileged place among the billions of such systems in our galaxy and that Earth is not even at the center of our planetary system. We also know that the Big Bang, the beginning of our universe, occurred about 13.7 billion years ago, whereas Earth didn’t even exist until about 10 billion years later. No one looking at the vast extent of the universe and the completely random location of homo sapiens within it (in both space and time) could seriously maintain that the whole thing was intentionally created for us. This realization began with Galileo, and has only intensified ever since.

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    The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instructions

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    The enemy's agenda is to build a vicious cycle of confused people who infect society with its evil ways ultimately destroying lives.

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    Steadfastness in obedience to God is not a choice to make but a lifestyle to live out.

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    The first story to read is the Biblical stories.

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    The Holy Bible is the sustainable solution to all problems.

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    The power of prayer is a mighty force in our life”.

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    the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.

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    The man that findeth wisdom in God is a bless man.

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    There is no better feeling that is greater than the feeling you get offering your time and services to doing God’s work”.

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    The way I see it, we ate the apple and Adam, Eve, the rebel Jesus in all his glory and Satan are all part of God's plan to make men and women out of us, to give us the precious gifts of earth, dirt, sweat, blood, sex, sin, goodness, freedom, captivity, love, fear, life and death...our humanity and a world of our own.

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    True biblical love is sacrificing, purifying, nurturing, and enduring.

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    Trust is the action of faith.

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    The Man of Sorrows is now anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows. Returned in triumph from the overthrow of all his foes, he offers his own rapturous Te Deum in the temple above, and joys in the power of the Lord. Herein let every subject of King Jesus imitate the King; let us lean upon Jehovah's strength, let us joy in it by unstaggering faith, let us exult in it in our thankful songs. Jesus not only has thus rejoiced but he shall do so as he sees the power of divine grace bringing out from their sinful hiding-places the purchase of his soul's travail; we also shall rejoice more and more as we learn by expeience more and more fully the strength of the arm of our covenant God. Our weakness unstrings our harps, but his strength tunes them anew.

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    The prophecy is clear, Your Highness. The Messiah shall topple all the kingdoms of the world. Even yours.

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    The slap of a friend is trusted to help you...but the kisses of an enemy is nothing but lies

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    The written word is the greatest sacred documentation.

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    Think about the whole Biblical story of Mary. She wakes up and sees something with a lion, eagle, and human face that wants to inseminate her with the Holy Seed. She’s practically a saint just for not killing herself on the spot.

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    Twelve dead?” I said. “Jesus.

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    Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord builds the city, the guard keeps watch in vain.

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    We can only get spiritual insight when our mind is renewed".

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    We live in a REAL life comic book - Good vs. Evil (The enemy). Who we focus on makes a difference in our daily actions and words.

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    Well that’s too hard. I will continue on with what we got.” When we say of a biblical command, “I don’t THINK that will work,” what we have done is elevate our reason above God’s Word.

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    We only have 2 choices in life and what we choose matters here, now and in the next life.

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    When God says it’s your time to shine, no Jupiter can hold you back.

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    When we are prayerless we are powerless.

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    We are to be like Christ in his incarnation.

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    We must learn to think again. America floats on a sea of misguided philosophies, all competing for equality while the values that provide true freedom are hidden in a dishonored generation. Returning to biblical principles will shore up our foundation and increase our freedom and health as a nation.

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    Whenever I'm particularly frustrated by a problem in my life or in my garden, i meditate on the words of St. Paul in his letter to the Galations, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

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    When you put God first in everything you do, your whole life will change forever.

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    When you venture into the unknown stumble and fall, never give up hope for the lord is always with you.

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    Worrying doesn't change anything, but trusting the Lord changes everything about the way we view life.

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    Your Dreams Matter. Like an athlete trains, so must the student of life. Train the mind, body and spirit, so you may achieve anything. Life is about sharing your dreams/purpose (gifts/passions/talents) with the world and helping others find their way.

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    Yes, Ma'am, I do have all the answers! All in this one slim Volume!

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    ... a bad attitude, that the love of money is the root of all evil and the rich are evil and greedy and all that stuff. It’s basically socialism and communism.

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    A biblical understanding of the Christian life is not 'let go and let God,' it's 'trust God and get going.'

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    According to Biblical history and all of the history of the world, the blues was built in man from the beginning. The first thing that came out of man is the blues because, according to the Scriptures, when God made man, man was lonesome and blue.

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    A biblical false prophet was a servant of the devil attempting to lead people away from the truth.

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    A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.

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    A biblical standard of sexuality is not merely a test of evangelical consistency. It is a test of evangelical authenticity and integrity.

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    A case can certainly be made that Christians bear a major responsibility for our ecological crisis. But the fault is not their biblical but their unbiblical view of nature. Christians have long failed to understand what the Bible really teaches concerning nature and our responsibility for it. For this there is no excuse. Repentance must be our first response. Our second response must then be to right the wrongs of our faulty understanding and act accordingly. We are all responsible to know what can be known of God's will for nature, and we are then responsible to act on that knowledge.

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    A close look at many churches will reveal that a central problem is the lack of biblical maturity among the men.

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    A ground frequently taken by Christian theologians is that the progress and civilization of the world are due to Christianity; and the discussion is complicated by the fact that many eminent servants of humanity have been nominal Christians, of one or other of the sects. My allegation will be that the special services rendered to human progress by these exceptional men have not been in consequence of their adhesion to Christianity, but in spite of it, and that the specific points of advantage to human kind have been in ratio of their direct opposition to precise Biblical enactments.

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    A good church is a Bible-centered church. Nothing is as important as this--not a large congregation, a witty pastor, or tangible experiences of the Holy Spirit.