Best 128 quotes in «stubborn quotes» category

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    Taureans are stubborn as hell. They never want to tell you what sign they are.... But underneath that tough Taurus hide beats the heart of a hopeless romantic.

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    The bosom-weight, your stubborn gift, That no philosophy can lift.

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    The fundamental qualities for good execution of a plan is first; intelligence; then discernment and judgment, which enable one to recognize the best method as to attain it; the singleness of purpose; and, lastly, . . . stubborn will.

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    The body is amazingly stubborn when it comes to sacrificing itself to the annihilating directions of the mind.

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    Stubborn people get themselves in a lot of trouble, but they also get things done.

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    Therefore was I created with a stubborn outside, with an aspect of iron, that when I come to woo ladies, I fright them. But, in faith, Kate, the elder I wax, the better I shall appear. My comfort is that old age, that ill layer-up of beauty, can do no more spoil upon my face. Thou hast me, if thou hast me, at the worst, and thou shalt wear me, if thou wear me, better and better.

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    There are few people so stubborn in their atheism who, when danger is pressing in, will not acknowledge the divine power.

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    There is more respect to be won in the opinion of this world by a resolute and courageous liquidation of unsound positions than by the most stubborn pursuit of extravagant or unpromising objectives.

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    There were too many idiot men in the world, to her way of thinking. And most of them ended up bumping up against stubborn women.

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    The stubborn stops when finding a mistake, the wise man will not stop until finding the true.

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    The stubbornness of a weak man should never be underestimated. The weak tend to be very stubborn when they've decided on something.

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    The new soft totalitarianism that is advancing on the left wants to have a state religion. It is an atheist, nihilistic religion - but it is a religion that is obligatory for all

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    There is nothing in the world more stubborn than a corpse: you can hit it, you can knock it to pieces, but you cannot convince it.

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    The sad truth is, if you push hard enough, and if you’re so stubborn that you must have things your way, God will sometimes allow you to undertake a project without His blessing or at the wrong time. The problem with that, of course, is when you start something in your own strength and in your own timing, you’re going to have to finish it and maintain it in your own strength.

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    Thoth's beak! You are impossibley stubborn." "Yeah, it's a gift.

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    This is why I say that the individual's most potent weapon is a stubborn belief in the triumph of common decency.

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    The wise man can change his mind; the stubborn one, never.

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    Van Gogh is the best example of how a person can be on the right track, propelled by gut feeling and some kind of strange obsessive stubborn conviction, that no one seems to understand.

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    We are not going to die." Butters stared up at me, pale, his eyes terrified. "We're not?" No. And do you know why?" He shook his head. "Because Thomas is too pretty to die. And because I'm too stubborn to die." I hauled on the shirt even harder. "And most of all because tomorrow is Oktoberfest, Butters, and polka will never die.

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    Weak people can be very stubborn.

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    Whittle was an amazing chap. Tiny, stubborn, unstoppable - jet-propelled! It's amazing the impact his invention has had upon the world.

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    Whenever I have a stubborn position on something, I take a deep breath and swallow myself.

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    You can be stubborn and successful or you can give it up a bit and change things around. For me it's important to have a bit of both.

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    You are just in the middle of a struggle with words which are really very stubborn things, with a blank page, with the damn thing that you use to write with, a pen or a typewriter, and you forget all about the reader when you are doing that

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    Be mule-like stubborn about your happy

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    When I'm hell-bent on something, there's no way around it. I can be a very stubborn.

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    When I'm in London I do have the convenience of being close to St James Park which is also good for me because it gives me an excuse to get out and get some much needed exercise!

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    Careful what you tell yourself, especially if you're stubborn.

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    #Cats are marvelous creatures - they either adapt to circumstances, or decide to make circumstances adapt to them. Either way - they win.

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    Did you ever try to stop that girl when she's running? I'd have more luck roping the wind.

    • stubborn quotes
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    Fuck, she's so fucking stubborn.

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    Get out of your mind and become crazy about your future in a creative way!

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    Give An African Child Or Adult A Enabled Environment And Proper Facilities Like In The West And See The Many Great Wonders That Would Be Manifested Through This Often Criticized Race. In My Own Case I Was More Fortunate, But Later Transformed From A Soft Heart Person To A Very Stubborn And Stone Heart Person To Enable Me Push On Through. All Those Who Knew Me Could Tell You Of Me Very Well Home And Abroad.

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    How stubborn life is, It clings like silver in our souls.

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    I awaken by the heat emanating from your body. I wash the grapes and eat the bad ones so you don’t taste their bitterness. You place the bowl on your stomach and the cold makes you squeal. I smile. You simper. That is enough for me. I come home and eat my meal in silence. I avoid you. Your hand takes the dish I just placed in the sink and washes it. I rest my head on the wooden table. The dish is placed to dry. There are no footsteps. Then a mouth kisses the nape of my neck. My head sinks deep into the wood and my obstinacy drowns. That is enough for me. I write because of you, about you and for you. I will not perish when you leave for your existence is enough for me.

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    I could take a hand in certain household matters," she conceded. "In addition to working as your assistant." "You propose to do both?" In a gently sardonic tone, he asked, "Don't you think that might be too much work for one person to handle?" "People say that you do the work of six men," she shot back. "If that is true, I could certainly manage to do the work of two." "I am not offering you two positions. I am offering only one- that of housekeeper." Strangely, the authoritative statement made her smile. There was no mistaking the challenge in her eyes, but it was a friendly provocation, as if she knew somehow that he was not about to let her walk away. "No, thank you," she said. "I'll have what I want or nothing at all.

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    I don’t know why we fight. It takes much too effort to stay mad at you. To dodge your skin in the hallway and leave the kitchen without bringing you a treat. It takes much too effort to stare at the sink so my eyes don’t smile at you in the mirror. It takes much too effort to look away as we undress and lie apart in the now bigger bed. It takes much too effort to stiffen my body because sleepy limbs forget fights and pride is always lost in dreams. It takes much too effort to awaken every hour to make sure we are islands with a gulf of white sheets separating us. I dread the light peeking through the parted curtains and empathise with your groans — I didn’t get any sleep either. I really don’t know why we fight. It takes much too effort to stay mad at one another when it’s so easy for us to love.

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    Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say 'No, you move'.

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    He stared at her hard and long, as if he were gauging a cloudbank that might be worth the trouble to sail around rather than through.

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    I don't require any more sleep than you do, sir. If you stay up late, I am capable of doing the same. I also have work to do." His brows lowered in a forbidding scowl. "Go to bed, Miss Sydney." Sophia did not flinch. "Not until you do." "My bedtime has nothing to do with yours," he said curtly, "unless you are suggesting that we go to bed together." Clearly, the remark was meant to intimidate her into silence. A reckless reply came to mind, one so bold that she bit her tongue to keep from speaking. And then she thought, Why not? It was time to declare her sexual interest in him... time to advance her plan of seduction one more step. "All right," she said quickly. "If that is what it takes to make you get the rest you require- so be it." His dark face went blank. The lengthy silence that ensued was evidence of how greatly she had surprised him. My God, she thought in a flutter of panic. Now I've done it. She could not predict how Sir Ross would respond. Being a gentleman- a notoriously celibate one- he might refuse her proposition. However, there was something in his expression- a flicker in his gray eyes- that made her wonder if he might not accept the impulsive invitation. And if he did, she would have to carry it out and sleep with him. The thought jarred her very soul. This was what she had planned, what she had wanted to achieve, but she was suddenly terrified. Terrified by the realization of how much she wanted him. Slowly Sir Ross approached, following as she backed away one step, then another, until her spine was flattened against the door. His alert gaze did not move from her flushed face as he braced his hands on the door, placing them on either side of her head. "My bedroom or yours?" he asked softly. Perhaps he expected her to back down, stammer, run away. Her hands curled into balls of tension. "Which would you prefer?" she parried. His head tilted as he studied her, his eyes oddly caressing. "My bed is bigger.

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    If you can be heartless as the first man who visited the space, then there will be nothing impossibe for you to achieve.

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    I know you have baggage, I know you're going to be a pain in my ass, but I love you more that I ever dreamed possible.

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    I treat my thoughts like an old person treats their valuables: I cannot for the life of me proceed to throwing them out.

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    I will fight for you, and if you know me well enough, you know i am pretty darn good at winning.

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    Magic happens when a stubborn soul never gives up on her dreams!

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    Misguided good men are more dangerous than honest bad men. It is because they are seen as good that, in and by good conscience, the mob will always, stubbornly back them without question.

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    My heart goes out to some of those rather hostile yet highly intelligent individuals who may see problems really because they have solutions. That hostility is learned in defense; not offense. An often stubborn and prideful world, in its self-destructive, temporary bliss of ignorance, may be violently resistant to the watchful mind.

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    If you adjust first time, compromise second time, failure is what you will get third time.

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    If you could stay as stubborn as when you were a child then you need not to compromise on your dreams.

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    In his younger days Grindhusen had been as stubborn and awkward as they come; now he was mild and stupid.