Best 1302 quotes in «islam quotes» category

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    Every house was different. Some had prayer rooms, some did not. Some of the women covered, most did not. Some fasted for Ramadan, some did not. Every one of them shopped. Most had been to that same ball because America was the great place where you could worship many things at once, until now.

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    Every reasonable man would understand that such a belief, namely, that non-Muslims should be subjected to coercion, and that they should either directly become Muslims or put to death, is open to very serious objections. Human conscience spontaneously realizes that it is highly objectionable to convert a person to one's faith by coercion, and by threatening to kill him, without ever giving him the opportunity to understand the truth of a faith and apprising him of its moral teaching and values. Far from contributing to the growth of religion, this would give the opponents the opportunity to find fault with it. The ultimate result of this kind of thinking is that hearts become devoid of human sympathy.

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    Every moment for us is Laylatul Qadr.

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    everything that is in the world, there is a correspondence on every level of existence. The macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm, and the way we experience the outer world is a reflection of our inner state: it is our mirror. If we are in harmony with ourselves, then we will be in harmony with the outer world, i.e. God. If we change from within, then everything around us also changes. I certainly knew how true this was.

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    Everywhere where detestable Islam has not yet driven out the ancient, profound religions of humanity with fire and sword, my ascetic results would have to fear the reproach of being trivial

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    Exercise 1: Guarding the Prayer Once we are performing the five obligatory prayers with regularity, then it is certainly worth our efforts to begin increasing extra prayers- especially the late-night prayers (tahajjud). Late-night prayer is one of the defining qualities of a salih (righteous) person, also called a wali (friend of Allah). Regarding late-night prayers, Fudayl b. 'Iyyad said that if a man was unable to do them, it was due to his wrong actions during the day. May Allah make us befitting to stand before Him, here and in the hereafter. Agenda to Change our Condition, Hamza Yusuf & Zaid Shakir, S. 46

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    Fahri kembali meneliti Majmu' Washaya karya Al 'Allamah Habib Hasan bin Shaleh Al-Bahr: Ketahuilah, himmah adalah wadah taufik. Kendarailah kuda himmah, niscaya kamu akan mencapai puncak cita-citamu. Mintalah pertolongan Allah dalam setiap langkahmu, maju ataupun mundur. Niscaya tidak akan sia-sia jerih payahmu dan akan tercapai cita-citamu. Lazimkan sikap shidiq dan ikhlas, karena keduanya harus dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang memiliki keberhasilan dan keuntungan dalam perdagangan.

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    Every jihadi bride who wants to come home is proof that Islamic State is a failure.

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    Faith is intrinsic to humanity and the freedom to practice one's religion is a right no power can deny

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    Facing a deteriorating economy and a weakening hold over the populace, the Iraqi state under Saddam Hussein opted to revitalize tribal leaders and conservative practices as a means of stabilizing state power; those conservative practices were not an inherent feature of a predominantly Muslim country.

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    Fear no one except the One.

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    Faktor utama dalam penjanaan pemikirannya (umat Islam) bukan semata-mata hal-hal yang berhubung dengan mantik saja. Sebaliknya ia juga merupakan usaha untuk mencari kebenaran dan menegakkan keadilan dengan penuh adab dan akhlak yang mulia kerana memenuhi tuntutan Islam itu sendiri. Pemikiran mantik dan rasional bukanlah matlamat terakhir, tetapi hanyalah wahana untuk mencapai matlamat terakhir, yakni mencari kebenaran dan menegakkan keadilan tanpa mengabaikan aspek keinsanan manusia.

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    Fıkıh hükümleri, neden kadını aşağılayan, haklarından soyutlayan ve erkeklere köleleştiren şekilde yazılmıştır? Bu soruya iki maddede cevap verilebilir: Birincisi, içtihatların yapıldığı dönemlerdeki ideolojik, sosyolojik ve politik yapının ataerkilliğinin etkisi yorumcuların yorumlarına yansımıştır. İkincisi, erkek yorumcular, kendi şahsi menfaatlerine de uygun şekilde kendi cinslerini kayırmışlardır. O dönemde mevcut sosyolojik normlar, evlilik gelenekleri ve cinsiyet ideolojileri kutsallaştırıldı ve fıkhın içine sızarak kanunlaştı.148 Profesör Abdülaziz Sachedina, bu durumu şu şekilde tarif etmektedir: “(İslam alimleri) Allah’ın kanunlarını keşfetmekten çok yarattılar. Yarattıkları şey, kendi isteklerinin, içgüdülerinin, menfaatlerinin tarifiydi…” Günümüzde “İslam” olarak kabul edilen hükümler, Amina Wadud‘un da belirttiği gibi, erkekler tarafından yazılmıştır ve neticede erkekler kendi ihtiyaçlarını, menfaatlerini ve yorumlarını dinselleştirmişlerdir. Erkeklerin tekelinde kalan İslam ve Kuran yorumculuğu ile İslam dünyasında kadının sesi duyulmaz olmuştur.

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    Festivals and fasts are unhinged, traveling backward at a rate of ten days per year, attached to no season. Even Laylat ul Qadr, the holiest night in Ramadan, drifts--its precise date is unknown. The iconclasm laid down by Muhammed was absolute: you must resist attachment not only to painted images, but to natural ones. Ramadan, Muharram, the Eids; you associate no religious event with the tang of snow in the air, or spring thaw, or the advent of summer. God permeates these things--as the saying goes, Allah is beautiful, and He loves beauty--but they are transient. Forced to concentrate on the eternal, you begin to see, or think you see, the bones and sinews of the world beneath its seasonal flesh. The sun and moon become formidable clockwork. They are transient also, but hint at the dark planes that stretch beyond the earth in every direction, full of stars and dust, toward a retreating, incomprehensible edge

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    Faith in Qur'anic revelation unveils all the possibilities that lie before the human intellect.

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    First stage of Islamic scientific development was essentially an assimilation of imported knowledge and Muslim scholars had only a secondary role to play as translators.

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    Five words that were the hardest words I would ever have to say, Five pillars of my faith that couldn't save him that day. Five rivers, the Panj Aab, that didn't flow through his veins. Five minutes that changed our world forever.

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    For anyone who understood the essence of modernism based on and originating in the secularizing and humanistic tendencies of the European Renaissance, it was easy to detect the confrontation that was already taking place between traditional and modern elements in the Islamic world.

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    Food is not to enjoy. That's not the reason why you're eating it. That's why the Glutton eats. But someone who's serious about maintaining their health - they eat for health. We're literally digging our graves with our teeth.

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    finding ways of wedding [Islam’s traditional] protective role with modern democratic and economic institutions is a challenge that has not yet been met.

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    Forge a strong relationship with the righteous and upright people in your area and be unaffected by naysayers. Let not your desire or determination be wavered by the censure of cynics, the criticism of pessimists, the undermining of those that belittle, the jeering of the mockers, or the doubts of the skeptics.

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    For this world has neither worth nor weight with God; so slight it is, it weighs not with God so much as a pebble or a single clod of earth; as I am told, God has created nothing more hateful to Him than this world, and from the day He created it He has not looked upon it, so much He hates it.

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    For the Qur’ān, it is neither strange nor out of tune nor blameworthy for a prophet that he is not always consistent as a human. It is nevertheless as a human that he becomes an example for mankind, for his average level of conduct is still so high that it is a worthy model for mankind.

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    For us (Muslims) death is an incident: for them (the Europeans), the end.

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    For present-day politicians there are only political points to be made from such statements, and the larger the sin the larger the outrage, the larger the apology and the larger the potential political gain for sorrow expressed. Through such statements political leaders can gain the benefits of magnanimity without the stain of involvement: the person making the apology had done nothing wrong and all the people who could have received the apology are dead.

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    Friedrich Nietzsche said “God is dead”. Call Jesus the only son of god and god dies, call Muhammad the last messenger of god and god dies. No god ain’t fucking dead yet. God doesn’t die until the last man walks on earth, god doesn’t die untill some primitive life swims on a puddle. And one day, even if life completely disappears from existence, god will find some other way. God knows how to beget sons and daughters. God knows how to animate his messages.

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    Freedom is the backbone of Islam, and it is guaranteed for all humans. Whether you are a Muslim, Christian, Jew, agnostic or an atheist; one is free to believe in what they want. Other people have no religious obligation to impose their beliefs on you; in fact, they have an obligation NOT to.

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    From my earliest works written in the 1950s and 1960s, I have claimed that there is such a thing as Islamic science with a twelve-hundred-year tradition of its own and that this science is Islamic not only because it was cultivated by Muslims, but because it is based on a worldview and a cosmology rooted in the Islamic revelation.

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    Frieden erzielt man, wenn man folgende Eigenschaften innehat, nämlich Scham und Bescheidenheit, und wenn man sich von ihren Gegensätzen befreit, nämlich von Schamlosigkeit und Arroganz

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    From the literary point of view, the Koran has little merit. Declamation, repetition, puerility, a lack of logic and coherence strike the unprepared reader at every turn. It is humiliating to the human intellect to think that this mediocre literature has been the subject of innumerable commentaries, and that millions of men are still wasting time in absorbing it." (Orpheus, Salmon Reinach, 1932. See page 175 of the book here)

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    Gerçek şudur ki, kavuştuğun her emelin sonu hüzündür. Çünkü eninde sonunda ya o seni bırakır ya da sen ondan vazgeçersin.

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    Get up to pray in the dark when all are asleep and see how your path is lit and your life begins to shine.

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    From my insufficiency to my perfection, and from my deviation to my equilibrium From my sublimity to my beauty, and from my splendor to my majesty From my scattering to my gathering, and from my rejection to my communion From my baseness to my preciousness, and from my stones to my pearls From my rising to my setting, and from my days to my nights From my luminosity to my darkness, and from my guidance to my straying From my perigee to my apogee, and from the base of my lance to its tip From my waxing to my waning, and from the void of my moon to its crescent From my pursuit to my flight, and from my steed to my gazelle From my breeze to my boughs, and from my boughs to my shade From my shade to my delight, and from my delight to my torment From my torment to my likeness, and from my likeness to my impossibility From my impossibility to my validity, and from my validity to my deficiency. I am no one in existence but myself,

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    Given the religious nature of the Middle Eastern culture, how might a Middle Eastern democracy [be] structured? Will there be three or four branches of government? Should a religious branch be added to the executive, legislative and judicial branches to ensure that Islamic beliefs and law are followed? A simple answer might be yes, but that is probably not the best means. Ideally, the legislative, executive and judicial bodies should all take Islamic beliefs into consideration when carrying out their duties. As such, there should be no need for a separate religious branch. However, to codify the major tenets of the Islamic faith, they should be represented in the constitution or similar document. This does not mean a theocracy will be established, rather it means that a democracy will be established built upon Islamic beliefs.

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    From Aus B. Shurahbil" He heard Allah Messenger say: "One who strives to strengthen an oppressor and knows he is an oppressor has already left Islam. Baihaqi

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    God in His mercy had sent messengers to convey His message, to different peoples, in different times. Each prophet came with guidance and miracles that were relevant for his time, and for his people, but the message was the same: That there is only one God, and worship is for him alone. This "Islam" was the religion brought by all the prophets of God. Islam was the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all). God has in His Grace, addressed this issue to man in His final revelation, the Noble Quran.

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    God does not expect of us what we cannot do, but He does expect what we can do.

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    God is Love but He also is the Lawgiver

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    God was inviting me to go on Hajj, but before that I needed to settle my debts. Muslims may only embark on their pilgrimage if they are debt-free or at least have made an arrangement for repayment.

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    Gradually, I realized that the ideas I had embraced and defended blindly all my life represented a singular, and highly radical, point of view. I began to question everything.

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    God does not care where you pray. He only cares what is in your heart.

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    God stipulates in the Bible that Jesus Followers are to love and serve everyone regardless of their faith or lack of it. But, this does not require us to honour and respect their Biblically-heinous cultural practises like multiculturalism does!

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    Half the published articles on Gaza contain a standard reference to its resemblance to a vast open-air prison (and when I last saw it under Israeli occupation it certainly did deserve this metaphor). The problem is that, given its ideology and its allies, Hamas qualifies rather too well in the capacity of guard and warder.

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    Hanya mereka yang bisa menjiwai mental para pahlawannya yang akan meraih prestasi-prestasi gemilang.

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    Hearts melt when the Beloved of Allah is mentioned.

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    Haşir gününde insanlar bir araya toplandığında bazı yüzler yıldız gibi parlayacak. Melekler onlara soracaklar: "Sizi bu mertebeye yaptığınız hangi amel getirdi?" Onlar da diyecekler ki: "Dünyadayken ezan-ı şerifi duyar duymaz hemen Cenab-ı Allah'ın huzuruna girmek için abdest almaya koşardık." Bazı insanlar da yüzleri güneş gibi parlarken görülecek. Bu insanlar da "Helal kazandık helal yedik. Kazancımızın bir bölümünü fakirlere verdik. Camiye daha namaz vakti gelmeden gittik ve ezanı caminin içinde dinledik" diye cevap verecekler. Demek ki namazın mükafatının derecesi namaza hazır duruşumuz ve namaz kılmaya iştiyakımız derecesinde olacaktır.

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    Harun AlRashid known for his wealth & diplomatic relations, sent an embassy to France that included an elephant & a water clock

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    He laid the foundation of a universal government. His law was one for all. Equal justice and love for everyone.

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    he philosophy of Islam will be shown in terms of the modern philosophy, and if there are imperfections in the old ideas then they shall be removed. My task is merely constructive, and in this construction I shall take into consideration the best traditions of Islamic philosophy.

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    Harus diingatkan bahawa perbahasan lafaz Allah ini bukan dilihat daripada kacatamata ontologi, yakni persoalan siapakah Tuhan yang sebenar bagi seluruh alam ini termasuk manusia. Jawapan bagi isu ini amatlah jelas bahawa satu-satu Tuhan yang wujud ialah Allah swt dan tiada tuhan selain Dia. Jika perkara ini diakui oleh semua agama, maka sudah pasti tidak wujud perbezaan antara agama, sedangkan hal ini tidak sedemikian kerana kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan yang satu itu amat berbagai dan diakui oleh semua agama. Oleh itu, kalimah Allah yang menjadi fokus ini sepatutnya dilihat daripada segi teologi (kepercayaan) dan apabila ahl ini ditelusuri, maka akan jelaslah perbezaan konsep setiap agama itu mengenai Tuhan. Kalimah Allah bukan hanya sekadar nama bagi Tuhan bagi umat Islam, tetapi ia menyentuh seluruh juzuk kepecayaan dan keyakinan terhadap ajaran Islam. Ia perlu dilihat dari pelbagai sudut agar satu kesatuan kefahaman bermula dari aspek teologi atau kepercayaan Islam dan situasi yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Islam di Malaysia.

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