Best 1561 quotes in «average quotes» category

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    Surveys show that the #1 fear of Americans is public speaking. #2 is death. That means that at a funeral, the average American would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.

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    Tall, sandy blonde, with sort of blue eyes, skinny in places, fat in others. An average gal.

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    Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. In teaching we rely on the 'naturals,' the ones who somehow know how to teach.

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    [T]ake the war on drugs. The average American says, "The war on drugs has been beneficial." The rest of us see reality. This war has destroyed thousands of Americans. It is also a pretext for government agents to rob innocent people in airports and on the highways - they seize and confiscate large amounts of cash and say to their victims: "Sue us if you don't like it." And more and more judges, politicians, intelligence agents, and law-enforcement officers are on the take - as dependent on the drug-war largess as the drug lords themselves.

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    Tens of millions of dollars spent, all meant to get Jeb Bush elected president. He currently is polling on average at around 5%.

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    Terrific minds focus on tips; average minds go over activities; little minds talk about people today.

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    That's all baseball is, is numbers; it's run by numbers, averages, percentage and odds. Managers make their decisions based on the numbers.

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    That's a very hard thing to help the establishment know. We're still an establishment that thinks the average mentality is something like 13 years of age, that never forgot H.L. Mencken's notion that nobody lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people. That's the horseshit the establishment has always lived with.

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    That's not our problem, that's America's problem. If the average American knew the trouble that Uncle Sam is in all over this earth, they could see that it - we are closer toward getting a separate territory in this country than the integrationists are toward getting integration.

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    Take the life-lie away from the average man and straight away you take away his happiness.

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    That's referee Mike Reed's 50th booking of the season, which works out at an average of six a game.

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    Technology makes good DJ's better, but also allows your average person to think they're a DJ, and unfortunately there's no checks and balances about people making it a career.

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    That's one thing I like about Hollywood. The writer is there revealed in his ultimate corruption. He asks no praise, because his praise comes to him in the form of a salary check. In Hollywood the average writer is not young, not honest, not brave, and a bit overdressed. But he is darn good company, which book writers as a rule are not. He is better than what he writes. Most book writers are not as good.

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    The adjuration to be "normal" seems shockingly repellent to me; I see neither hope nor comfort in sinking to that low level. I think it is ignorance that makes people think of abnormality only with horror and allows them to remain undismayed at the proximity of "normal" to average and mediocre. For surely anyone who achieves anything is, essentially, abnormal.

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    The Age of Average gave us a lot. Take clothing: We've all benefited remarkably from large, medium and small sizes making things affordable and available, but when it really counts - the wedding gown and the pressurized fighter pilot suit - it's bespoke all the way.

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    The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.

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    The 55% of American households that make less than $40,000 will get a tax break of only $7 while the households that make more than $1 million will receive an average tax break of $32,000.

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    That was one of my most surprising discoveries when I dug into the history of average-ism: When you actually get the data, it rarely captures anyone. Which then begs the question, why are we using this as a reference standard for human beings?

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    The average American is for the underdog, but only on the condition that he has a chance to win.

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    The average age (longevity) of a meat eater is 63. I am on the verge of 85 and still work as hard as ever. I have lived quite long enough and am trying to die; but I simply cannot do it. A single beef-steak would finish me; but I cannot bring myself to swallow it. I am oppressed with a dread of living forever. That is the only disadvantage of vegetarianism.

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    The average American is not concerned with his society. He talks about it, but you know if one speaks of being concerned, I mean something about which one loses one's sleep, sometimes.

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    The average American teenager sends or receives 75 text messages a day, though one girl in Sacramento managed to handle an average of 10,000 every 24 hours for a month.

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    The average are addicted to leisure. The exceptional are obsessed with learning.

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    The average gardener probably knows little about what is going on in his or her garden.

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    The average age in the U.S. is now thirty-three, whereas Mexico gets younger and younger, retreats deeper and deeper into adolescence. Mexico is fifteen. Mexico is wearing a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt and wandering around Tijuana looking for a job, for a date, for something to put on her face to take care of the acne.

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    The average American can get into the kingdom of heaven much more easily than he can get into the Boulevard St. Germain.

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    The average American doesnt realize how much of the laws are written by lobbyists.

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    The average human has one breast and one testicle.

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    The average husband enjoys the total effect of his home but is usually unable to contribute any of the details of work and organisation that make it enjoyable.

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    The average late-night viewer is in their mid-50s and the average viewer of TBS is in their 30s and is largely African-American and Hispanic, already, before I even get there.

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    The average life spans of many bands are not that long, up to five years if they are lucky.

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    The average man can't prove most of the things that he chooses to speak of, and still won't research and find out the root of the truth that you seek of

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    The average man doesn't wish to be told that it is a bull or a bear market. What he desires is to be told specifically which particular stock to buy or sell. He wants to get something for nothing. He does not wish to work. He doesn't even wish to have to think.

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    The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.

    • average quotes
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    The average man is more interested in a woman who is interested in him than he is in a woman with beautiful legs.

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    The average net worth of the lower half of the distribution, representing 62 million households, was $11,000 in 2013. About one-fourth of these families reported zero wealth or negative net worth, and a significant fraction of those said they were "underwater" on their home mortgages, owing more than the value of the home. This $11,000 average is 50 percent lower than the average wealth of the lower half of families in 1989, adjusted for inflation.

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    The average ordinary citizen can do a lot of different things when it comes to the climate crisis.

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    The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser - in case you thought optimism was dead.

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    The average American family head will be forced to do twenty years' labor to pay taxes in his or her lifetime.

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    The average person has one Fallopian tube.

    • average quotes
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    The average person suffers from three delusions: 1) That he is a good driver 2) That he has a good sense of humor and 3) That he is a good listener.

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    The average political poem - especially the kind that wears this label all too proudly - is both dull and full of brow-beating triteness.

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    The average politician was crooked. That was my ambition, to be a crooked politician. I'd see them in these restaurants, and they'd all hold these conferences. I'd see politicians who were supposed to be on opposite sides of issues all together at one table.

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    The average reader can contemplate with considerable fortitude the sorrows and disappointments of someone else.

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    The average Southerner has the speech patterns of someone slipping in and out of consciousness. I can change my shoes and socks faster than most people in Mississippi can speak a sentence.

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    The average trade of an individual is in the thousands of shares, whereas the institutional trade can be in the millions of shares. Clearly, the bigger the order, the bigger the move in the stock.

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    The average 20-year-old serving us in Iraq knows more about their country's national security than the average 20-year political veteran serving in the Congress today.

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    The average American is just like the child in the family. You give him some responsibility and he is going to amount to something. He is going to do something. If, on the other hand, you make him completely dependent and pamper him and cater to him too much, you are going to make him soft, spoiled and eventually a very weak individual.

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    The average American thinks billionaire investors are going to be right based on some talking head. They invest and they have no backup plan. Americans think these guys are giant risk-takers. The truth is they believe in taking as little risk as humanly possible, for the maximum amount of upside. They're looking for that spread of disproportionate risk-reward.

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    The average attention span of the modern human being is about half as long as whatever youre trying to tell them.