Best 154 quotes of John Taskinsoy on MyQuotes

John Taskinsoy

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    John Taskinsoy

    Accomplished people never sit around and wait for things to happen to them, they rather make things happen. More precisely, they happen to things.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Achieving even little things require confidence, courage, and believing in yourself; but achieving great things is hardly possible in the absence of great failures. If you are constantly afraid of failing, unfortunately you will be confined to a mediocre performance.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Achieving quite easy things does not earn you glory, but getting right back up from the hardest fall to succeed gives you the feeling of real glory.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Achieving success is not easy nor it is final, but sustaining one prolonged is a lot harder. Remember the road to success is often an uphill battle with many obstacles, along the way, you may fail more than once in this horrendous journey before reaching the summit. Keep in mind, none of the failures is fatal as long as you have the courage to get up after each fall, shake the dust off, and try even harder in your next attempt. After all, the process and the iron-will to continue counts more than the actual achievement of success.

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    John Taskinsoy

    A failure does not make anyone a victim, and certainly you should not feel like one after your first failure. However, if you do not get up after a fall and give it another try, then you will be a real victim.

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    John Taskinsoy

    A failure gives you some ideas about challenges and obstacles in the uphill road to success, not recognizing them can be fatal.

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    John Taskinsoy

    After your first failure, the occurrence of a second failure closely depends on what you have learned from your past mistakes and whether or not you have drawn some valuable lessons.

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    John Taskinsoy

    A great success usually consists of more than one failure, but the causes are varied and the same mistake will not be repeated as a second time.

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    John Taskinsoy

    All it takes is one lie to be disbelieved; All it takes is one cheat to be distrusted; All it takes is one bad word to be excluded; All it takes is one heartbreaking to be hated; All it takes is one breath to be alive; All it takes is one steal to be cast out; All it takes is one last push to be winner; All it takes is one gossip to be whisperer; All it takes is one espionage to be backstabber; All it takes is one call to be remembered; All it takes is one nice word to be included; All it takes is one thank you to be appreciated; All it takes is one lousy comment to be ignorant; All it takes is one severe error to be failure; All it takes is one misbehavior to be labeled; All it takes is one slaying to be evil; All it takes is one smile to be welcome; All it takes is one giving in to be surrendered for life; All it takes is one victory to be taken seriously; All it takes is one failure to be ridiculed and scorned; All it takes is one hope to be believer; All it takes is one promise to be counted on.

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    John Taskinsoy

    A non-reader has no advantage over the blind; the former is someone who makes a personal choice to act in ignorance, whereas the latter is someone who is visually impaired.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Being yourself is the best thing you can do to yourself because living in the shadow of others serves you no good.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Believe in yourself is half of the success, and the other half is not fearing failure.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Be passionate about life and live it to its fullest as though you are taking your last breath.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Blaming external factors is not going to enable you to succeed in the next try because you are going to play the pointing finger game again.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Change begins as soon as you step outside your comfort zone.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Courage is making a difference in your life and in the world; Courage is standing up for yourself and against injustice; Courage is appreciating differences despite what others think; Courage is taking risks no matter how terrified you are; Courage is daring to do what most people are afraid of doing; Courage is standing tall after the hardest fall; Courage is starting fresh after you lost everything you owned; Courage is living every day with a purpose despite obstacles; Courage is getting up and voicing your opinion without fear; Courage is accepting change, moreover being the change; Courage is fighting for your rights even it costs your life; Courage is apologizing and saying sorry for wrongdoing; Courage is standing firm against racism and anybody who is racist; Courage is taking actions to save the lives of others; Courage is telling the truth no matter what; Courage is spending your life towards improving the human existence; Courage is...

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    John Taskinsoy

    Dare to admit to your mistakes; do not worry, we all make them. Besides, a weakness is certainly not a destiny, but rather an opportunity to improve yourself as well as to strengthen your Achilles heel.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Dare to be positive even when everything is falling apart. Dare to smile even when you start your worst day. Dare to fight for justice even when you are surrounded by injustice. Dare to try even when you have failed more than once. Dare to stand up for who you are even when nobody believes in you. Dare to get up and shake off the dust even when people constantly beat you down. Dare to continue even when you have no courage. Dare to find hope even when the future seems bleak. Dare to to give it one more try even when you are extremely tired. Dare to be stronger even when the earth is crashing down on you. Dare to love again even when you have been cheated. Dare to help others even when you are in need of help. Dare to extend a hand to needy people even when you were alone during hard times. Dare to be generous in giving even when you have not much to give. Dare to feel good about yourself even when you think you have not done well. Dare to be confident even when people around you are on the constant lookout to bring you down. Dare to care for people even when no one cares for you. Dare to be grateful even when you have lost everything. Dare to be the first to thank even when people owe you thanks. Dare to share your stories even when you feel they are not worth to share. Dare to be best even when you are surrounded by so much negativity.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Dare to face your competition, because running from it is associated with losers.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Deciding what you want or who you want to be have a cost, before doing the either one, you must first decide whether you are ready and you dare to pay the price or not.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Don't be upset when you see people around you get surprised at your great success. Their reaction is natural because they simply knew you before you became a man/woman of success.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Don't let things that you cannot do discourage you and hold you back from things that you can do. It would be irrational to think that one can do everything; in this line of logic, self-analysis is crucial, meaning every person must analyze his/her true capacity, examine the current skills, and determine any essential future requirements.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Don't waste your time working on something that is not going to transform into anything. If you insist on moving a mountain, you are not going to move it by pinching small stones.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Dreams are just dreams, nothing is real about them; but if you forget to live in the real world, then even the most fictitious dreams will feel real.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Emotions such as disappointments or regrets after failures may be common, but trying again and again will overcome these feelings.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Encouraging others will help you achieve own success. It is scientifically proven that happy people with high self-esteem and self-confidence are more willing to work harder. Happy people would do things beyond your expectations that you would have not gotten them to do by bossing them around.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Encouraging others will help you achieve success, because happy people with high self-esteem and self-confidence are more willing to work harder. Also, they would do things beyond your expectations that you would have not gotten them to do by bossing them around.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Every risk bears with it the seeds of an opportunity: failure - success, fall - rise, and setback - come-back.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Failing is not something to fear as long as you get up after you fall hard; however, you should be greatly concerned when you fall, you stay down and surrender yourself to the failure.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Failing is not the end of the world, but not trying is. I am who I am because I dared to fail and I was willing to learn from my failures.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Failing with a positive attitude is a lot better than succeeding with a lousy attitude.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Failing with a positive attitude is a lot better than succeeding with a lousy one.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Failures are onions, peppers, olive oil, tomatoes, oregano, and other spices; without these, certainly you cannot make your favorite meal. In this line of logic, failures would be the necessary ingredients to make success deliciously tasty.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Fear is like a poison; it will not necessarily kill you, but the prolonged and recurring fear not only will paralyze your mind but it will force you to withdraw yourself from the public eye.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Happiness will bring out the best in you, and enable you to do what you want and who you want to become in life.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Hate nothing or no one. Hatred makes you blind to see the real beauty in things or people. When you live your life through hate, your heart will get heavier by the increasing number of engraved ill feelings that in turn will make your brain process only actions of odium.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Have courage, take risks, and don't be afraid of failing; these are the main ingredients of creating change that you want to see take place in this world.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Having an iron will is what separates successful people from others. Of course right skill sets, knowledge, and other essential ingredients are important but a lack in will, even if everything else is present, is going to result in a failure.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Having constant fears gives nonstop opportunity to people to push you around. But having constant dreams gives nonstop opportunity as well as imagination to create and lead people around you.

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    John Taskinsoy

    Having fun at what you do for work is going to substantially increase the possibility of you becoming successful.

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    John Taskinsoy

    History is not made every day because it takes extraordinary people to create history, who have an iron will and not afraid of taking risks.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If you do not dare, don't expect to have prosperity.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If everything was easy and life was beautiful in the absence of countless challenges and obstacles, success would have meant nothing of importance. Unfortunately, the real life today is not easy nor beautiful; there are tough challenges and never-ending obstacles; all of which and more might make you scream your head off, feel extreme frustration, or even go bananas. This is exactly why success is hard to achieve, and when you, you feel real glory.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If perfection is your goal, the end result may be a failure; no matter how much or how hard you try, you will never achieve true perfection because it does not exist. Instead, you should absolutely try your best and leave everything else to unfold in its natural course.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If success is the peak (or the summit), or the final destination in the success journey, then failures should be treated as the stepping stones (stairs) to reach success.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If there were formula for success, mathematicians would have definitely held the top spot in the world's richest list.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If you are constantly afraid of being left alone, you will never dare to tell people around you the truth. Thus through a pretend life filled with deception, you will never dare to stand up for who you are and what you believe in.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If you call your failures and all the bad things happen to you a destiny; or similarly, you call all the good things happen to you a fate, then the success happening to you is impossible in this line of logic. You do not wait around for success to happen to you, you happen to success; when it does, you can then call it destiny or fate, it does not really matter.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If you call your failures and all the bad things happen to you a destiny; or similarly, you call all the good things happen to you a fate, then the success happening to you is impossible in this line of logic. You do not wait around for success to happen to you, you happen to success; when your hard work and dedication leads to success, you can then call it anything you like, destiny or fate it does not really matter.

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    John Taskinsoy

    If you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror and you don't have a clue what you want in life, then it is going to be nearly impossible for you to do anything and be successful at it.